Paul McCartney et Florence Cassez

The singer Paul McCartney will be performing in Mexico City next May 28. According to Bernard Bujold, McCartney should absolutely sings a song for the liberation of the French girl Florence Cassez who imprisoned in Mexico. Bernard suggested the idea to the Support Committee in which the Montreal violinist Sylvie Harvey is a member. To be continued...


The National Library of Quebec - 5 years!

Bernard Bujold took opportunity of the 5th anniversary of the National Library of Quebec in Montreal to revisit the place. "At first I went there every week because of my friendship with Lise Bissonnette then I stopped due to lack of time. I prefer Indigo which is a library in itself and that is especially two streets from my home ... But the public library is still very interesting and I was very happy to go back. I will try to go there more often again! "


Happy Birthday Stephen Harper

The Prime Minister of Canada celebrates today 51 years (April 30, 2010). Stephen Harper is Prime Minister since January 23, 2006 and Conservative leader since March 2004. Harper is married to Laureen Teskey and father of two children: Benjamin (1996) and Rachel (1999). Harper is of humble origins and for several years it is his wife Laureen (a designer of websites) which supported the couple financially. Despite a lack of charisma, Stephen Harper is a formidable politician and he managed to win the Conservative leadership to Belinda Stronach, who was supported by her father Frank, the rich businessman (Magna). Moreover, none of the other Canadian political parties can dislodge him ¸neither in popular polls, or in the electoral vote and Michael Ignatieff cannot surpass the efforts of Stephane Dion before him. An excellent biography of Harper was written by William Johnson:


Hockey fever in Montreal - Jaroslav Halak will play against Sidney Crosby

The Washington Capitals could not discover the secret of goaltender Jaroslav Halak from Les Canadiens and they lost 2-1 in the seventh game of the series playoff for the Stanley Cup.The next opponent of Les Canadiens and Halak will be the champion Sidney Crosby from Pittsburgh. The battle of two champions begins this Friday (April 30) and Sunday (May 1) in Pittsburgh and then to Montreal on Tuesday and Thursday (May 4 and 6). To be continued...


Hockey fever in Montreal... (Part 4)

The Verizon Center in Washington is already in action for game 7 tonight Wednesday, April 28 at 7 pm between the Capitals and Montreal Canadiens. One team will come out winner in this series 4 of 7 playoff for the Stanley Cup and which is currently 3-3.


Hockey fever in Montreal - The power of prayer candles... (Part 3)

We can criticize Pope Benedict XVI but the prayer candles work! Dozens of Les Canadiens fans have been lighting candles at the Cathedral near the Bell Center and the Habs managed to defeat Washington. A miracle occurred and it was St. Anthony in person who kept the Canadians team's net...Victory 4 to 1 and a Game 7 in Washington on Wednesday.


Playboy's Hugh Hefner helps save LA's iconic Hollywood sign

(Reuters) — Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner on Monday donated the last $900,000 sought by a conservation group for a land purchase needed to save the famed vista of the Hollywood sign from being spoiled by development.

Conservationists had until this Friday to raise $12.5 million to buy the hilltop ridge called Cahuenga Peak, adjacent to the Hollywood sign, from a group of Chicago investors who had plans to build luxury homes on the property.
They had acquired the 1,820-foot-tall peak in 2002 from the estate of billionaire Howard Hughes.
City officials have since worried that development of the 138-acre parcel would mar the postcard-perfect view of the iconic sign, whose four-story-high "H" stands just to the east of and slightly below Cahuenga Peak.
After years of fretting and on-off negotiations between Los Angeles officials and the site's owners, the San Francisco-based Trust for Public Land stepped in and struck a deal to buy the peak on the city's behalf for a price set by an independent appraisal.
The original deadline for raising the money was extended by two weeks after the land trust came up $1.5 million short of the $12.5 million total.
Hefner 's key role in filling the gap was announced by city officials, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the land trust at a news conference in the Hollywood Hills.
The Hollywood sign on Mount Lee originally read "Hollywoodland" and was erected to promote a housing development in 1923. The last few letters deteriorated in the late 1940s, and the part that remained was restored in 1978.
Lesser-known Cahuenga Peak has its own history. It was purchased by Hughes, the reclusive aircraft mogul turned filmmaker, as the planned site of a love nest for actress Ginger Rogers in the 1940s, but their relationship ended and the house was never built.


Hockey fever in Montreal (Part 2)

The hockey game between Montreal Canadiens and the Washington Capitals is far from won for the Montreal team. Capitals palyers arrived in Montreal Sunday night for tonight's game (Monday April 26) and rumor has it that players of Washington were gone to bed by 7 pm last night... To be continued tonight at the Bell Centre!


Thousands protest Russia-Ukraine deal

(CNN) -- Thousands of opposition demonstrators marched in front of the parliament building in Kiev, Ukraine, Saturday, protesting a deal reached earlier this week to extend Russia's military presence in the former Soviet Republic, national news media reported.

Parliamentary opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko -- the former prime minister who lost to Viktor Yanukovych in the presidential election run-off in February -- told protesters Saturday that the ratification of the treaty must be prevented at all costs.

She claimed that Yanukovych is "selling out" Ukraine, has "openly embarked on the path of destruction of [Ukraine's] national interests, and has actually begun the process of eliminating the state's sovereignty," according to a transcript of the speech on her website.

After the deal was signed Wednesday by Yanukovych and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Tymoshenko said it violated part of the Ukrainian Constitution, which forbids the country from hosting foreign military bases after 2017.

Saturday, protesters reportedly adopted a resolution calling the agreement an "unprecedented act of national treason and disgrace," and calling on all opposition groups to unite against it.

According to Tymoshenko's website, some 10,000 people gathered at the rally. But Ukrainian national news agency UNIAN estimated the number of protesters at 5,000.

The deal extends Russia's lease of a major naval base in the Black Sea port of Sevastopol, Ukraine, for an additional 25 years, in exchange for a 30 percent cut in the price of natural gas that Russia sells to Ukraine.

The agreement may bring an end to years of disputes over natural gas prices, which culminated in Russia turning off the pipeline to Ukraine. The dispute affected not only Ukrainians, but many Europeans who depend on Russian gas pumped through Ukraine.

The two countries had been at odds ever since the "Orange Revolution" swept Yanukovych's fiercely anti-Russian predecessor Viktor Yushchenko to power in 2005.

Throughout his time in office, Yushchenko repeatedly threatened to expel Russia's Black Sea Fleet from Sevastopol. The Russian military lease there was scheduled to expire in 2017.

"The prolongation of the Black Sea Fleet's presence in Sevastopol is essential to Russia," Yanukovych said Wednesday. "We understand that the Black Sea Fleet will be one of the guarantors of security on the Black Sea."

The Kremlin-friendly Yanukovych, who hails from predominantly Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine, trounced Yushchenko in national elections last January.

The Russian president said the new deal added a "concrete and pragmatic dimension" to centuries of relations between Ukrainians and Russians.

Opposition groups in Ukraine, however, were quick to denounce the agreement. Yuschenko's "Our Ukraine" party said the treaty would lead to the "Russification" of Ukraine.

Opposition activists decided Saturday to stage another protest in front of parliament April 27, when the deal will be put to a ratification vote.


Hockey fever in Montreal (Part 1)

The hockey club Montreal Canadiens succeeded in defeating the Washington Capitals 2-1 last Friday night and force another game in Montreal Monday night. According to Réjean Tremblay (La Presse) this victory is due to transport problems by plane while the players in Washington have been detained at the airport because of fog! To be continued on Monday night ... The Capitals lead the series (4 of 7) 3-2.


Minou Petrowski and Florence Cassez

The film critic Minou Petrowski decided to support the cause of Florence Cassez. According to Minou, we must do everything to help this victim to be released from Mexican jail. Minou Petrowski is now removed from the movie reviews, but she was at the time one the journalists among the most respected and influentialits. Her autobiography "Prends-moi dans tes bras " would make an excellent movie ...
(Picture Minou Petrowski and the violonist Sylvie Harvey)


Polanski Loses Appeal to Be Sentenced in Absentia

(Bloomberg) -- Roman Polanski lost his appeal of a Californian judge’s ruling that he must come to the U.S. to be sentenced for the 1977 case in which he pleaded guilty to having sex with a 13-year-old girl.

The film director “failed to demonstrate that the trial court lacked the discretion” to refuse to allow him to be sentenced without being present, a state appeals court in Los Angeles said in a decision posted today on its Web site.

Polanski, 76, who is under house arrest in Switzerland awaiting a decision on a U.S. extradition request, argued last month that Superior Court Judge Peter Espinoza committed a legal error by denying his request to be sentenced in absentia.

Polanski previously failed to persuade Espinoza or the appeals court to dismiss the 32-year-old case because of alleged judicial and prosecutorial misconduct. In a December ruling, the appellate panel suggested that if Polanski wanted a hearing on the allegations, he could ask to be sentenced in absentia.
Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley, said today that the appeals court made the appropriate decision and had no further comment.
Chad Hummel, a lawyer for Polanski, didn’t immediately return a call to his office.
Fugitive Since 1978
Polanski has been a fugitive since he fled the U.S. in 1978 before he was to be sentenced. His lawyers asked the Los Angeles court in December 2008 to throw out the case because, they said, a prosecutor in 1977 and 1978 inappropriately influenced the judge, now deceased, to renege on a promise to sentence Polanski only to the 42 days he spent in prison for a diagnostic study.
The director, whose movies include “The Pianist,” for which he received an Oscar, was arrested Sept. 26 in Zurich. He’s been under house arrest since November. The Swiss government has said it won’t act on the U.S. extradition request until the California courts have resolved Polanski’s sentence, according to his lawyers.
The case is Roman Polanski v. Superior Court of Los Angeles, B223085, California Court of Appeals, Second District (Los Angeles).


Willie Nelson and his new album

Country singer Willie Nelson just released a new album "COUNTRY MUSIC". All country music lovers or Fans of the singer will want to listen to the album. According to Bernard Bujold: "It is one of his best!"


How to be snob in 2010

Learn to be a snob in 2010 is an art but there is IN and OUT lists of things to do or not do. Here is the list published by Le Figaro of Paris. Among the modes IN include notebooks, offer tomato plants rather than flowers and for lovers of food: eat luxury sardines...


New 100 Dollar Bill Unveiled Today

Today, Wednesday, April 21, 2010, the US Department of Treasury and Federal Reserve unveiled the design for a new $100 bill.
The design includes several anti-counterfeiting security measures and according to the Associated Press:

“disappearing Liberty Bell in an inkwell and a bright blue security ribbon composed of thousands of tiny lenses that magnify objects in mysterious ways.”
A 3D security ribbon on the front of the bill contains images of bells and 100s that move and change as the currency is tilted. The bell in the inkwell changes color from copper to green, which makes it seem to appear and disappear.
The new $100 bill will start circulating in February, 2011 and will replace the current ones which were designed in 1996.


The End of the World - Fiction or reality?

If we were watching a fiction film, one could blame volcanic cloud on terrorism. The situation in Europe make remember the last Superman movie (2005). Control of nature by an individual (Lex Lutor) who manipulated oceans ... Truth is often stranger than fiction and the air situation in Europe is especially very dramatic, more than a movie fiction.


The art of getting old according to Marguerite Blais

Marguerite Blais (Minister of Seniors in Quebec) tries to defend the old people in front of Patrick Lagacé on Tele-Quebec. According to the Minister Blais the old age is not an end in itself and society must give old people an active role in daily life. Marguerite Blais is 59 years old ...


The new MacBook Pro

Bernard Bujold has tried the new MacBook Pro. The machine is extremely fast but what seduced Bernard is the most impressive energy and hospitality."Whenever I go to an Apple store I am always surprised by the energy and dynamism of vendors. It is far from Future Shop and companies ...


Kim Kardashian kicking it with Cristiano Ronaldo

Kim Kardashian has dished out the ultimate revenge to ex Reggie Bush -- by canoodling with the world's top soccer player, notorious playboy Cristiano Ronaldo. Curvy Kardashian jetted to Madrid for a romantic meal with Ronaldo, who's worth about $130 million, to watch him play for the Real Madrid team last week. The pair was spotted "kissing and laughing" as they dined at a restaurant before driving back in separate cars to his gated community. It's believed Kardashian, who has since jetted back to the US, met Ronaldo during one of his regular trips to the Beverly Hills Hotel.


Who will replace the Premier of Quebec Jean Charest

All citizens of Quebec seem unanimous in their desire to see their Prime Minister Jean Charest leave politics! But the fundamental question is: "They want to get rid of Charest but by who do they want to replace him?" Voters in Quebec always vote against somebody rather than for someone and that often give as result elected leaders that people do not really like but who were the only possible choice in the election. Electors in Quebec should change the cycle and vote for a leader in whom they trust and respect....
(Picture: Pauline Marois, Mario Dumont et Jean Charest)


Yann Martel and the human violence

The new book by Yann Martel recalls the American television series, Criminal Mind. Martel's book is explainiung the suffering of the Jewish people and the author uses the image of two animals to express the gratuitous violence of human to another. A well written book and it will reach the readers. The publisher hopes to make a bestseller since the stores have been targeted according to a aggressive marketing plan. There are up to 500 copies of the book in some Indigo and Chapter's Stotes in Montreal.


Larry King seeks 8th divorce

(Reuters) - U.S. television personality Larry King and his seventh wife both filed for divorce on Wednesday to end their 13-year marriage.

A spokesman for King, 76, said the CNN broadcaster filed for divorce from Shawn Southwick, 50, with whom he has two children.

"His major concern is the welfare of his children and beyond that he'll have no further comment about the divorce," King's spokesman, Howard Rubenstein, told Reuters.

Celebrity website said that minutes after King's attorneys filed their court papers, lawyers for Southwick, who is a singer, also filed divorce documents in Los Angeles. TMZ said both parties were citing irreconcilable differences.

King has been married to seven different women, but this is his eighth divorce, because he remarried one of his former spouses and then later divorced her.


Michel Chartrand (1916-2010)

One of the major labour relations leader in the history of Quebec , Michel Chartrand, died at the age of 93 years. The man was very colorful in its language and greatly beloved by Quebecers. All testimony after his death confirm the popularity of this man.


The Prime Minister of Quebec Jean Charest accused of favoritism!

The Prime Minister of Quebec Jean Charest is seriously accused of favoritism in the appointment of Judges in Quebec. Is he going to resign? It is the battle of Goliath (Charest) against David (his ex-Justice Minister Marc Bellemare). All observers agree that the charges are very serious and that if they are proven, there will be material to resignation and prosecution. To be continued ...


To understand Internet - Tara Hunt

A debate is going on between Nathalie Petrowski, Lise Bissonnette and Michelle Blanc about the blogs on the Internet and its significance. According to me, the three "fighters"are wrong and they do not understand their subject of Internet. I suggest they read the book of Tara Hunt "The Whuffie Factor" .The Internet is inevitable but it must be understood.


Henri Cartier-Bresson at the MoMA in New York

The photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) is the subject of a retrospective exhibition presented in New York at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA).The exhibition runs until next June 28 and critics say it is an event worth history with respect to photography in general.


Tiësto - Who Wants To Be Alone feat. Nelly Furtado


Rupert Murdoch and the newspapers

The media mogul Rupert Murdoch has given exclusive interview to American journalist Marvin Kalb. Murdoch talk about his career and the future of media, especially those being led by him.


Katerine - Ayo Technology


Summer reading - Danielle Ouimet in Italy

The actress and Quebec television host Danielle Ouimet has just published her second book: Henry, Italy and me. The book tells the story of her travelling in Italy while recalling various memories and anecdotes about personalities she known like the painter Claude Theberge and pianist Helene Mercier. A very pleasant book to read during summer vacation approaching ...


It is summer season in Montreal...

Montrealers have celebrated the Easter holiday 2010 as if they were in full summer season. The temperature exceeded 25C during the day of Saturday and many took the opportunity to invade terraces and make hiking under the urban sunshine of spring.
Long live the Easter Summer ...


Pope Benedict XVI keep the silence...

Pope Benedict XVI has finally understood the situation that is his and what is his only option. In this sense, he copied the strategy of the Queen Elizabeth II: "Never complain, never explain!" The Pope did not mention anything about the sex scandals in his Easter message.
See story The New York Times


The end of the website Quebec89

The website Quebec89 survived for only 6 months. This news did not surprise the creator of (a similar site). According to Bernard Bujold:"No independent website can survive without the collaboration of convergence with a large media group. has understood that last year and we had to stop sending the weekly newsletter at the beginning of this year last January after 5 years of regular but fruitless efforts to make the project profitable.


The secret of Mademoiselle X - Eau Demoiselle de Givenchy

Miss X ( has discovered a clone of her while perfumes Givenchy has launched the fragrance EauDemoiselle. The model closely resembles to Miss X and even mascots of cannot believe the amazing resemblance between the model of perfume EauDemoiselle and Miss X. A mystery to be discovered!


Sexy Nude Celebrity Hot Female Celebrity