Dennis Hopper has died at the age of 74 after a long battle against prostate cancer

Dennis Hopper, the Hollywood hellraiser whose screen performances in such films as Easy Rider captured the spirit of a generation, has died at the age of 74.

The actor died at his home in Venice, California, surrounded by family and friends having suffered for some time from terminal prostate cancer.
With a gravelly voice and a menacing appearance, he was one of the most distinctive actors of his era. he was also a supremely gifted director.
While his heyday was in the 60s and 70s, he reinvigorated his career in later life, playing ‘baddies’ in films such as Blue Velvet and Speed.
Like many of the great stars, he learnt his trade in the Actors Studio, making his debut television appearance in 1955 and his film debut in Rebel Without a Cause, starring James Dean, in the same year.
He came to prominence in the cult classic Easy Rider, which he also directed with great success. the film also starring Peter Fonda and Jack Nicholson is perhaps the greatest – and certainly best known – of American road movies.
The film won an award at Cannes while Hopper was nominated for an Oscar for best original screenplay.
He never really reached such heights again although he went on to enjoy critical acclaim in Apocalypse Now (1979), playing a manic photojournalist, while in recent years he became known to younger audiences for intense performances in the action movie Speed, where he played a bomber terrorising a bus full of passengers, and True Romance.
In March this year he was received his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame – the 2,403rd star on Hollywood Boulevard.
Hopper was also a prolific photographer, painter, and sculptor whose works are exhibited worldwide.
Off-screen his life was every bit as colourful as the movies he made.
He was married five times and frequently embarked on drug and drink binges before periodically checking himself in to rehab clinics.
He had recently been involved in a bitter divorce case against Victoria Duffy-Hopper, 42, who had been his wife of 14 years.

Read more... and the summer 2010

The arrival of Summer 2010…

Read more... and the Internet

In recent months, continued its migration to the Internet, cloud computing and its integration on various social or private mass media website around the world. We have also collaborated on several Internet projects, including the photography project “Moment in Times – The New York Times (LENS). is particularly active on Facebook, Google Blogs, WordPress, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr and MySpace, in addition to publishing material online at the official site, which became a sort of permanent base to gather all the comments posted on our various social sites, like a hub airport which handles all central communications. You can view a list of web links to each social sites to the following address: See links to social sites
Summer 2010 at is the one of the Internet and more than ever we are present everywhere on the planet …
Photo: Bernard Bujold published in The New York Times at the Moment in Times Project (LENS). Photo title: MORNING RISE AT CIRQUE DU SOLEIL IN OLD MONTREAL


Taio Cruz - Break Your Heart ft. Ludacris


The Internet Addresses -


FACEBOOK- is particularly present on Facebook, which has become a bulletin board and a place to keep in touch with media and with the public. We use mainly the “Bulletin Board” to recommend the best stories from mainstream media. We are very interested in the arts and in particular books, photography and music, by the politics all around the world, by the technological development related to the Internet, to the entertainment world and many other areas. Our preference is for books that open mind in front of the obstacles of life, arts events that are off the beaten track, photos showing exceptional images, artists whose talent is exceptional, actions by governmentsinfluencing the future of the planet or the injustices and abuses that we denounce and technological developments that are pushing the boundaries of Internet communication.
GOOGLE BLOGS – greatly appreciates the outreach capacity of Google Blogs and we created a column called News (Nouvelles in French). This column in blog format allows us two things. First to publish in English all our texts and also to archive in chronological order all the texts published.
WORDPRESS – uses WordPress as a mirror of the texts published on Google Blogs (French and English). A kind of backup which also serves as the second place of publication for the blog format and columns joining another class of internet users than Google.
FLICKR – is a big fan of the photo site Flickr which is probably the best site currently available to archive photos and make them accessible to users. The archival quality (high resolution) is awesome! We also publish on Flickr various texts relating to the photographs when the images relate a story or a subject of interest to our public.
TWITTER – publishes regularly on the Twitter site, but contrary to the popular trend, we publish only if the event is of exceptional importance. The short text becomes a reminder or invitation to read a more complete text on one of our sites or on the one of another major media.
YOUTUBE – does not report on video but we recommend on our YouTube page some other media people when we consider their work significant and offering exceptional images.
MYSPACE – is a member since the very beginning of the MySpace website. However, we have reduced our participation in favor of Facebook, which reach an audience more diverse and more consistent with our audience.
CONTACT – We remain open to your suggestions! Feel free to write us, to respond to our articles and join us in this wonderful adventure of life in the world of the Internet!
(Photo mascots Goguie, Ulysses Dog, Mr. X and Miss Gym)


Mademoiselle X -

Have a nice Summer 2010...


Good luck Jack Bauer...

The scenario of the last show 24 hours - Jack Bauer was incredible. The American President asked for pardon and save the life of Jack. Jack Bauer will live mysteriously in the memory of his fans who will meet him again on the big screen. Good luck Jack...


Sand in front of the locker room...

Fans of the Montreal Canadiens (or an employee of the Bell Centre) are accused of having spread sand in front of the Philadelphia Flyers' locker room before the game of Saturday, May 22 in Montreal to make the blade skates non-cutting... Several players for the Flyers fell on the ice so their blades were worn. Nevertheless, The Flyers have won and lead the series 3-1. Game five is tonight Monday, May 24 -19 hours, and in Philadelphia... Asked about the situation, the coach of Canadians Jacques Martin does not believe in this story. He added: "They should do like girls skating and use of protective blades if they are not satisfied with their locker room ... "


The summer 2010...

The water pools of Old Montreal are filled; tourists began to arrive, the temperature is hot and hockey is about to left its place to golf... The 2010 sommer will strike soon upon us!


The art of a bestseller...

The New York Times Magazine is publishing a story on the author Stieg Larsson and the third volume of his best-selling book series that just arrives into the United States. The article also presents interviews with family and Larsson ex-wife.


Jean Charest will leave?

The Prime Minister of Quebec, Jean Charest, sends more and more signs announcing his departure from politics. He officially said that he agreed to stop receiving supplement to his annual salary of $ 175,000. Experts agree that it could earn at least $ 1 million per year in a large law firm.


TNM loses Lorraine Pintal

Lorraine Pintal, director of the TNM (Théâtre du Nouveau Monde), fell into a coma after physical exhaustion. She was in Europe at the time of the event and she came back in Montreal Wednesday (May 19). She is now in stable condition. Lorraine Pintal is well known in the theater and also in literature as she hosted a weekly program about books on Radio-Canada.


After hockey here comes the golf...

Sports journalist who had given me a copy of the biography of Sidney Crosby is now offering me the biography of Tiger Woods! If I were superstitious, I could believe that this gesture will bring misfortune to Woods because it was the case with Sidney The Kid. The biography of Tiger Woods just appeared and it tells several stories about the champion golfer. We learn that in the marriage contract, there is a clause which would permit to renegotiate the agreement to increase or down if one spouse deceives the other. In this case it is understood that the contract is up for the beautiful Elin Nordegren ...


Smooth Criminal HQ - Michael Jackson - This Is It


The Church and the medias...

The strategy of Cardinal Marc Ouellet (a close friend of the Pope) is bright, very bright and it might has been made in collusion with Benedict XVI. "Transfer the debate about sexual abuse to the subject of abortion! "While public opinion take a position and mobilize itself about abortion, the public will forget the case of priests who abused children. Very bright public relations strategy. The 101 of Public Relations ...


Test Your Facebook Privacy Settings: Here's How

The one-stop privacy fix-up tool for your Facebook profile.

The Facebook Privacy Scanner

Facebook: ReclaimPrivacy.orgThe tool is called ReclaimPrivacy, and its name pretty much tells you what you need to know. Using it is simple: Just surf over to ReclaimPrivacy.organd look for the link that says "Scan for Privacy." Add that link as a bookmark in your browser, either by dragging it onto a bookmark toolbar or by right-clicking it and selecting the "Bookmark" option.

Now head over to Facebook. Sign into your account, then open the bookmarked link.

This will cause ReclaimPrivacy's Facebook privacy scanner to open right at the top of your current Facebook window. Within a few seconds, ReclaimPrivacy will scan through six areas of potential privacy concern and let you know how your account stacks up.

ReclaimPrivacy analyzes everything from your personal information controls to your "instant personalization" settings. It even checks account settings that affect what your friends could inadvertently share about you without your knowledge.

Facebook Privacy Scanner

For each area, ReclaimPrivacy will give you a green ("good"), yellow ("caution"), or red ("insecure") ranking. If you hit yellow or red, it'll provide you with specific steps to fix the problem so you don't have to waste time searching for the right setting.

After seeing some of the very personal details now floating around out there (hint: someone lost their virginity this weekend), that's one function well-worth "liking."


Obama's Aunt Zeituni Onyango Granted Asylum

President Obama's African aunt has been granted asylum to stay in the United States, the Associated Press reports.

Zeituni Onyango, the half-sister of Mr. Obama's late father, moved from Kenya to the United States in 2000. She first applied for asylum in 2002, citing violence in Kenya, according to the AP. Onyango's request was rejected in 2004, but she stayed in the country, living in public housing in Boston.

When it was reported in 2008 that Onyango was possibly in the country illegally, Mr. Obama said he had no knowledge of her status.

Onyango testified on her own behalf in U.S. Immigration Court in Boston earlier this year. Her attorney's announced that she was granted asylum in Cleveland today, the AP reports.


Chimène Badi new album

Chimene Badi was the guest of Laurent Ruquier "On n'est pas couché - TV5." Chimene's new album is beautiful! Despite his immense and unique talent, no producer has yet produced Chimene Badi show in Quebec. Very sad! Bernard Bujold had photographed her while she was visiting Montreal in 2008. See
You can see the interview on TV5 on the following link:


The perfect car for the summer of 2010...

They say that one thing or person is perfect if there is nothing to add ... This would qualify the Porche 911 Turbo Cabriolet 2010. The car is perfect! The dream of the summer for sports car enthusiasts and even for others ...


Iceland Volcano Disrupts Air Travel in British Isles

A departure screen shows canceled flights at Belfast City Airport, Northern Ireland, 16 May 2010
Aviation authorities in Britain and Ireland say a cloud of volcanic ash from Iceland is disrupting air travel in their region.
Britain's National Air Traffic Service says Britain's airspace is facing partial closures Sunday, mostly in the north. It said the disruptions are affecting airports in Manchester, Liverpool and in Scotland. London's airports are open.
Airports in Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man are closed. The Irish Aviation Authority says the Dublin and Shannon airports will remain open until later Sunday.
Europe's skies were closed for several days following the eruption of Iceland's volcano last month, stranding millions of passengers around the world.
The travel mess cost the financially struggling airline industry about $2 billion.
The European Union plans to adopt uniform procedures for setting up no-fly zones during volcano eruptions.
The grouping said member countries will consider the policy used by the United States and Canada - a 190-kilometer no-fly zone around a volcanic ash plume.
Airline safety experts say volcanic ash could cause jet engines to shut down in mid-air.


Souvenirs of Westmount...

When I arrived in Montreal in the fall of 1991,I was alone in town and I had no friends except Pierre Peladeau but who was also my new boss... A French family of Westmount welcomed me in their home like a distant cousin who come to visit (her daughter also worked for Pierre Peladeau). I was well received by them at dinner several Saturday evenings in October and November of 1991. I recently returned to the streets of Westmount and I relived, the time of an afternoon, these memories.
Photos 1 and 2 Westmount -
Photo 3 Bernard Bujold


Hockey fever: Golf for Sidney The Kid Crosby!

That's golf for Sidney "The Kid" Crosby and his boss Mario Lemieux. For the Habs is the Stanley Cup in sight! The Montreal police themselves are shopping for sticks and helmets for it will stir the Rue Ste Catherine if the Habs win the cup ... The authorities estimate at 1%percentage of the crowd that made the trouble Wednesday night in Montreal. (The World Trade Center was destroyed by only 19 terrorists ... See text La Presse) The 7th game of the playoffs for the Cup Stanley between Canadians and the Penguins was won by the Canadians 5-2 in Pittsburgh. Montreal now will face Philadelphia or Boston. The series between these two teams is equal to 3-3 and the final game will take place Friday night in Boston. Stay tuned!
(Picture Bernard Bujold)


LENS project is a success!

Over 10,000 photos were received by LENS (The New York Times) in the special project: MOMENT IN TIME - May 2, 2010 - 11 am. The editors of Lens were surpassed by the number but they said they were very happy with the result. The photos are now published on their website. Here is the photo that I contributed to the project LENS. My Photo titled: MORNING RISE AT CIRQUE DU SOLEIL IN OLD MONTREAL ...


The magic of candles...

The archbishop of Montreal, Jean-Claude Turcotte, is very happy! In fact, thousands of fans went lighting lamps in the cathedral located next to the Bell Centre and the miracle happened ... The Canadians have won and they are now equal 3-3 in the series against Pittsburgh and in line for the Stanley Cup. Let's hope for them that Cardinal is no shortage of candles! (Photo by Bernard Bujold before the lamps)


Hockey fever : Montréal 4 - Pittsburgh 3

Canadiens victory 4-3 against Pittsburgh. The 4 of 7 playoff series for the Stanley Cup equals 3-3. The next and seventh game will be held in Pittsburgh Wednesday, May 12 at 7 pm.


Jean Charest father died

Quebec Premier Jean Charest, is mourning for his father. Claude Charest died Saturday at the age of 87 years. According to some observers, Jean Charest will use the summer vacation to resign and trigger elections.


European Airports Close as Iceland Ash Threat Returns

(Bloomberg) -- A cloud of volcanic ash from Iceland continued to drift over the North Atlantic and parts of Europe, prompting air-traffic authorities in Germany, Austria, Spain and Italy to close parts of the countries’ airspace.

The ash cloud also hindered flights to and from Ireland, France and Portugal. The number of flights in Europe today is expected to be around 24,500, about 500 fewer than normal for a Sunday at this time of year, European airspace controller Eurocontrol said in a statement on its website.

A shutdown of European airspace last month because of ash from Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano grounded more than 100,000 flights and cost carriers $1.7 billion in lost sales, according to the International Air Transport Association.

“Ash eruptions are still substantially affecting European airspace,” Brussels-based Eurocontrol said in an update at noon local time.

Germany’s air-safety authority closed airspace over Munich and southern parts of the country as of 3 p.m. local time because of contamination from the ash cloud, according to an e- mailed statement. Frankfurt’s airport operator said it is monitoring the ash, and didn’t rule out a possible closure.

Spain’s airport operator Aena said seven airports in the north of the country were forced to close, while Austria’s air traffic authority shut terminals in Vienna, Innsbruck, Linz and Salzburg.


Airports in the north and center of Portugal were also affected, Eurocontrol said. Milan terminals were inaccessible because of airspace closures, and Pisa and Florence airports were closed, though Venice, Trieste and Rimini remained open.

Italy’s civil aviation authority said airports in northern Italy that had been closed were expected to reopen from 2 p.m., while Spain’s airport operator said three airports in the north of the country would resume flights from 4 p.m.

Ireland’s Aviation Authority said Dublin, Cork, Shannon and Waterford airports will remain open until 1 p.m. tomorrow, while flight restrictions will apply in Donegal and Sligo from 3 p.m. today as a result of the ash cloud.

“There is the risk that the plume may drift again over Irish airspace, and may affect Irish airports, especially on the West Coast,” the Dublin-based IAA said in an e-mailed statement today.


Ryanair Holdings Plc, Europe’s largest discount carrier, said it might cancel flights to and from Bologna, Milan Bergamo, Pisa and Turin today. Flights from Porto, Portugal also may be cancelled, it said in a statement on its website.

The carrier said it would add extra services between Stansted and Tenerife and Dublin and Tenerife today.

Rerouting of flights across the Atlantic to avoid the ash cloud was causing some delays, according to Eurocontrol.

“Transatlantic flights continue to be affected by the ash cloud,” Eurocontrol said. “Flights are required to make significant rerouting to avoid the area of ash-cloud coverage. However, significant numbers of cancellations have not occurred.”

French airspace and airports remained open today after a test flight by Air France yesterday found no ash, the local civil aviation authority said.

Several EasyJet Plc flights from the airport of Marseille Provence in the south of France to U.K. destinations were cancelled today, according to the airport website.

Switzerland didn’t order closures after the Federal Civil Aviation Authority said the density of the new volcanic ash cloud doesn’t pose a risk for aircraft in an e-mailed statement late yesterday.


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Hockey fever - Sidney Crosby 3 Jaroslav Halak 2

Pittsburgh wins 2-1 against Montreal in a game dominated by the Penguins and Sidney Crosby which was "on fire" throughout the game. The series is now 3-2 in favor of Pittsburgh. Next game of the playoffs 4 of 7 for Stanley Cup will be presented Monday night at the Bell Centre 7pm.


Harrods of London is sold...

One of the most prestigious stores in the world, Harrods of London, has been sold to a new owner for $ 2.2 billion U.S. $. It is an Arab royal family, Qatar Holding, who made the acquisition. The former owner Mohammed Al Fayed was the father of the man who died with Princess Diana during her accident.


Volcanic ash closes airports in Europe

Thousands of air passengers face further flight disruption this weekend as a cloud of ash from the erupting volcano in Iceland drifts over western Europe.

A number of flights from the UK and Ireland to Spain, Portugal and France were grounded by the ash cloud today, while 15 Spanish airports were closed this morning and expected to remain shut until the early evening.

Ryanair said airspace over southern France could also be restricted.

At London Stansted today 25 Ryanair services to destinations including the Canary Islands, Spain and Portugal were cancelled, along with three easyJet flights.

At Gatwick three easyJet services to Portugal were grounded while another four Ryanair flights to Alicante, Madrid and Barcelona were cancelled.

A spokesman for Heathrow airport said that disruption there was minimal, with only a small number of flights going to La Coruña affected.

Ryanair put details of cancelled flights on its website including services from East Midlands, Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds and Liverpool. It advised customers to check their flight status before travelling to the airport.

Northerly winds over the UK could bring ash back over Ireland and western Scotland tomorrow or later in the week.

Forecaster Victoria Kettley from MeteoGroup said: "We're seeing more of a northerly wind from tomorrow in Scotland and over the rest of the UK on Monday and Tuesday.

"It looks as if Ireland and western Scotland could be affected. The wind is northerly rather than north-westerly so it will not bring the ash right across the UK.

"If it was to go north-westerly it would bring it across the rest of the UK, but at the moment we're looking at more northerly winds."

Another higher level ash cloud is currently over the Atlantic causing westbound flights to re-route to avoid it.

A spokesman for Heathrow airport said transatlantic services suffered delays of 10 to 15 minutes to allow time to fly around the ash cloud.

He said disruption to European services was minimal, with only a small number of flights going to La Coruña in north-west Spain affected.

The disruption could continue into next week if northerly winds bring ash over western Scotland and Ireland.

Renewed activity in the Eyjafjallajokull volcano sent ash up to heights of 20,000 to 30,000 feet earlier this week, according to the Met Office.

The Civil Aviation Authority said the volcanic activity raised the threat of further flight delays and cancellations this summer, despite new regulations that permit flying through ash-contaminated airspace, where none was allowed previously.

The latest ash cloud breaches the new safety parameters set by aircraft engine manufacturers.

On Wednesday an area of low pressure over Iceland is expected to divert the ash cloud away from the UK.

There is lower level ash over Spain which is moving towards the south of France, but is expected to disperse over the next few days.

European airspace was shut for six days last month at a cost of more than £1bn to airlines.


Stalin casts long shadow ahead of Russian parade

MOSCOW — As Russia prepares to celebrate the anniversary of victory in World War II with a spectacular Red Square parade, the figure of wartime leader Joseph Stalin still casts a long and controversial shadow.
Stalin led the Soviet forces to victory 65 years ago but presided over a harsh authoritarian regime where millions died in prison camps and in a rapid collectivisation campaign.
The Kremlin has sought to sideline Stalin's role during celebrations Sunday, which this year will include guests from the Western Allied countries, but Moscow's mayor has stubbornly stuck to a plan to commemorate Stalin in posters.
Mayor Yury Luzhkov announced in February that posters showing Stalin would be hung around the city at the request of some veterans, prompting fury from human rights campaigners -- and veterans themselves.
"We consider this idea blasphemous," a group of veterans wrote in an open letter to Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.
"The appearance of Stalin portraits on Victory Day insults the memory of the fallen," the Memorial human rights group said.
Moscow's mayor defended the reproductions of Stalin's image, saying he wanted to present a balanced picture.
"I'm not an admirer of Stalin, but I am an admirer of objective history," Luzhkov said in March.
After a public furore and a rebuke from the Kremlin, Luzhkov decided to relegate the Stalin posters to 15 museums run by the city -- rather than hanging them on the street.
"The most important thing is that the authorities have given up on the mad idea of exhibiting portraits of Stalin as a war hero on the streets of Moscow," said Yan Rachinsky, the co-president of Memorial in Moscow.
"The story of the Stalin portraits in the streets has shown that society is not indifferent, there was a passionate debate," Rachinsky said.
In grass-roots gestures, Communist groups in Saint Petersburg and the Siberian city of Omsk have also hung posters featuring the moustachioed dictator.
In Saint Petersburg, a bus decorated with Stalin's face and the slogan "eternal glory to the victors," went on the road Wednesday, after a young blogger raised funding. It was promptly defaced with a splash of white paint.
"This is an insult to those people whose loved ones died in Stalinist repressions," Maxim Reznik, head of the Saint Petersburg branch of the liberal Yabloko party, told AFP.
The recent revival of Stalin imagery follows the disappearance of the leader's image after 1956 in a backlash against his cult of personality. His face was even erased from mosaics in the Moscow metro.
It also comes as Russia opens up about crimes sanctioned by the Soviet regime during the war.
In April, Russia's state archives published files on the 1940 massacre of thousands of Polish officers at Katyn Forest -- one of the most notorious events of the Stalin era -- on the orders of President Dmitry Medvedev.
Medvedev gave his clearest condemnation yet of the crimes of Stalin in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper published Friday.
"Stalin committed a mass of crimes against his own people," said Medvedev.
"And despite the fact that he worked a lot, and despite the fact that under his leadership the country recorded many successes, what was done to his own people cannot be forgiven."
Stalin is only popular among a niche audience, human rights campaigner Rachinsky stressed.
"He is popular among the new nationalists and a part of the communists," he said. "He isn't popular among young people."
Polls by the independent Levada centre have shown a marked decline in public enthusiasm for Stalin, the director Lev Gudkov said.
Over the last eight years, "The number of those who say they are indifferent (to Stalin) has soared from 17 percent to 47 percent," Gudkov said.


Investigative Journalism according to Fabrice de Pierrebourg

The excellent investigative journalist Fabrice de Pierrebourg just discovered another scandal . De Pierrebourg is becoming one of the best journalists in Quebec and Canada and especially the one who is most feared by the politicians ...


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Hockey fever- Sidney Crosby 2 Jaroslav Halak 2

Despite the strong dominance by the Pittsburgh Penguins, the victory went to the Canadians 3 to 2 thanks to the goaltender Jaroslav Halak. The playoff for the Stanley Cup is now 2-2 and the next game will be presented Saturday, May 8 at Pittsburgh - 7 pm.
See story in the Montreal Gazette


Cher's gender-swap son Chaz Bono is legally a man

Cher's offspring Chaz Bono is officially a man after he changed his name and gender in court today.

Bono, who was born a girl named Chastity, is now legally recognised as a male, a year after undergoing a sex change.

The 41-year-old, whose father was the late singer and politician Sonny Bono, beamed with happiness as he left Santa Monica courthouse.

Couldn't be happier: Chaz Bono leaves Santa Monica court after officially changing his name and gender

Couldn't be happier: Chaz Bono leaves Santa Monica court after officially changing his name and gender

Before Chaz: Chastity Bono as a female in 1993

Before Chaz: Chastity Bono as a female in 1993

Kristina Wertz of the Transgender Law Center, who represented Bono is court, said: 'Chaz couldn't be happier

'This is an important step in his transition and will allow him to change a variety of his identity documents to show who he truly is.'

Bono started undergoing gender-reassignment surgery in March 2009 - soon after turning 40.

In an interview last year, he said undergoing the surgery was 'the best decision I've ever made'.

He said: 'I feel so much more comfortable than I've ever been.

'I've felt male as far back as I can remember. Life is short and life is precious. This is who I am. I need to finally be who I am.'

He explained that the entire transition from female to male will take about four to five years.

So far, his breasts have been removed and he has received hormone treatments to deepen his voice. And to his delight, he now has to shave his face.

Support: Chaz and his girlfriend Jennifer Ella at the GLAAD MEdia Awards last month

Support: Chaz and his live-in girlfriend Jennifer Ella at the GLAAD MEdia Awards last month

Bono came out as a lesbian at age 18, when he was studying at New York University.

While Sonny - who died in a skiing accident in 1998 - was more accepting, Cher reacted badly.

Cher has admitted: 'I flipped out. I'd always had this idea that she would get married and have a family.'

Distraught by his mother's reaction, Chaz abandoned his studies to attempt a rock career.

Chaz's sexuality was announced to the world in an American newspaper in 1990.

Five years later he appeared on the front cover of gay magazine The Advocate, describing himself as 'out at last', and became a vocal advocate of gay and transgendered rights.

Chaz lives in Los Angeles with his girlfriend of four years, Jennifer Ella.

Understanding: Cher, pictured with Bono two years, was initially upset at her 'daughter's' sexuality, but grew to accept it

Understanding: Cher, pictured with Bono two years, was initially upset at her 'daughter's' sexuality, but grew to accept it

Read more:


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