A good intention gone bad...

Sometimes a good intention is not appreciated and turns negative ...
Arguably this is the case of the photo exhibition "Portraits d'influence" by photographer Marie-Claude Hamel and installed at Place Ville Marie (Montreal). Hamel shot pictures of 35 people of influence in Quebec. Tuesday noon while Bernard Bujold (LeStudio1.com) passed before the exhibition, he heard people murmur against those people of influence whose among them is Jean Charest ...
Bernard even said that he had to almost use force against the person who accompanied him for lunch (an employee locked out of the Journal de Montreal) when the person saw the photo of Pierre Karl Peladeau. The employee wanted to tear in pieces the photo of the president of Quebecor!
"Fortunately, I calmed him down and he accepted not to do it." says, laughing Bernard Bujold
Photo 1: Jean Charest
Photo 2: Pierre-Karl Péladeau


Middle finger marble sculpture sparks row in Milan

A marble sculpture of a cut-off hand with the middle finger stuck up has gone on display in front of the Milan Stock Exchange, provoking a row between politicians and intellectuals.

Employees of Milan's stock exchange look at the unvieling of a sculpture by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan in front of their building
Employees of Milan's stock exchange look at the sculpture in front of their building Photo: Giuseppe Cacace/AFP/Getty Images

The 36ft (11m) high installation, called L.O.V.E. and unveiled for the first time in Milan, is part of a retrospective dedicated to the Italian contemporary artist Maurizio Cattelan, whose provocative works include a sculpture of Pope John Paul being hit by a meteorite.

"(Cattelan's works) call our times into question, offering themselves as a mirror, however cracked, of our present," said Massimiliano Finazzer Flory, Milan's commissioner for culture.

Cattelan drew protests in Milan in 2004 with his installation of three baby puppets hung on the branch of an old tree. A protester sawed off the branch and the work was eventually removed.

The finger sculpture, which mocks a Nazi gesture, is part of a retrospective of Cattelan's works entitled Against Ideologies promoted by the city of Milan, which says it is the third-largest market for contemporary art after New York and London.

The installation has fuelled criticism among local politicians and intellectuals over the rights and wrongs of showing a provocative work in a public space, like the Bourse square.

Asked about the meaning of the work, Cattelan said his work was more an act of love than a comment on the financial world.

"It is mainly about imagination," he said.

The sculpture will remain on display until Oct. 3.


Happy Birthday Google! 12 years old...

Happy Birthday Google! 12 years today! (Opened September 27, 1998)
The birthday cake of Google 2010 is drawn by the artist Wayne Thiebaud. He is an American painter whose most famous works are of cakes, pastries, boots and tubes of lipstick.
The thought of the day:" What would we do if Google did not exist?"


The beauty of Julie Depardieu...

Sensual photography is an art that very few photographers have mastered. Veronique Vial succeeds!
His photos of Julie Depardieu half-naked published this week in The Paris Match (newsstand) are exceptional and of great sensuality. But we must also say that Julie is a very beautiful woman, both in her body that in her soul!
See interview Paris Match;
See website Véronique Vial;


It was a small boat...

It was the weekend of cruising boats in the Old Port of Montreal.
The ship AIDAluna was moored in the Old Port of Montreal as well as the giant ship THE WORLD (Floating condos). In all, there were four cruise ships docked in Old Port.
Watch a cruise ship inevitably bring dream of new land distant and of travel.
View photo album LeStudio1.com


Lehman Bros art makes $12m in US

An auction of fine art from the New York offices of collapsed investment bank Lehman Brothers has raised more than $12m (£7.6m) at Sotheby's.

The proceeds will go towards paying Lehman's creditors, owed $600bn since the firm's collapse in 2008.

On Wednesday art from Lehman's extensive European collection will be auctioned at Christie's in London.

Top sellers in New York included work by Ethiopian artist Julie Mehretu and an oil painting by Liu Ye of China.

Mehretu's ink and acrylic work, entitled Untitled 1, sold for a little more than $1m (£640,000.) Liu's oil painting The Long Way Home went for $962,500 (£615,606).

Both works set records for the artists.

However, a work by British artist Damien Hirst - entitled We've Got Style (The Vessel Collection - Blue/Green) - failed to sell after being expected to fetch about $1m.

The proceeds from the sales in both New York and London will go towards repaying the creditors of the investment bank, which was the biggest bankruptcy in US corporate history when it collapsed in September 2008.

Works by Lucien Freud and Gary Hume are in the company's European collection, which is to be sold for an estimated £2m ($3.13m) by Christie's in London.

A company sign from its offices in Canary Wharf, London, will be among the objects sold in London, as will Lehman Brothers cigar boxes and tea caddies.

With an estimated value of up to £150,000 ($243,530), an image of a New York stock exchange by photographer Andreas Gursky will be sold separately in October.


About the social media...

I read the book written in French by Michelle Blanc, an expert on social media in Quebec and Nadia Seraiocco a web communicator and well known in the public relations.
The book: "Les Médias sociaux 101" is a comprehensive book which traces a accurate picture of the current level of Internet social media. (Facebook, Flickr, Google, Myspace, etc.).
The book is not for experts but rather to the general public and especially business leaders who want to better understand this area of the Internet. The preface is signed by Bruno Guglielminetti formerly from Radio-Canada and now in the private sector in a public relations firm.
One wish: the duo White - Seraiocco should write a volume 2 of their vision of the future Internet ...
Link to the book website


The corruption in Quebec...

The Quebec Province is described as "the most corrupt province in Canada" in Maclean's magazine currently on newsstands (October 4, 2010). The magazine highlights in the story of 5 pages hearings of the Commission Bastarache who study the appointment of judges in relation to financial backers of Quebec Liberal Party. The report also highlights several other recent cases amongst which the secret wage of $75,000 to Jean Charest.
Note that Premier Jean Charest has appeared before the Commission Bastarache and several observers criticize the conduct of Commissioner Michel Bastarache that is considered too favorable to Jean Charest and his lawyers and more severe to lawyers
representing the plaintiffs.
Photo 1: Michel Bastarache;
Photo 2: Jean Charest;
Photo 3: Cover of Maclean's.
See Story Radio Canada ;
See Maclean's Magazine ;
See Quebec Prime Minister website


An American in Paris without his laptop...

The expert and technology journalist and Internet Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal is returning from a vacation trip to Paris where he had decided to stay without his laptop for 10 days.
He brought with him an iPad, a smart phone (Smart Phone) and a digital camera.
His conclusion: "It is possible to survive without a computer but this mode of survival is not valid for all ..." - Walt Mossberg
Photo 1: Illustration The Wall Street Journal
Walt Mossberg See article - The Wall Street Journal


Which book to choose: Anne-Marie Losique or Ingrid Betancourt?

Bernard Bujold has read two books that are currently very popular in libraries: Anne-Marie Losique (Confessions Sauvages) and Ingrid Betancourt (Even Silence Has an End).
His conclusion: "The book of Ingrid would make an excellent movie because it is a narrating of Ingrid's years in the jungle. A story worthy of a superhero!
However, the book of Anne-Marie is very close to a monthly edition of Penthouse. According to me, it's a media teaser"to warm the public before the opening of her erotic television channel in October.
My personal choice between these two books: Ingrid Betancourt! "
"The Book of Ingrid Betancourt" Even Silence has an End "is a magnificent book. I've just finished reading it and I consider very exciting the aspects of political life as well as the description of life as a hostage in jungle. I recommend the book!
Photo 1: Bernard Bujold at the Indigo bookstore (Montreal);
Photo 2: Bernard Bujold and the book of Ingrid Betancourt;
Photo 3: Ingrid Betancourt in New York.
See book critic Ingrid Betancourt The New York Times;
See photo Ingrid Betancourt LeStudio1.com;
See Anne Marie Losique website;


The legend of the horse SECRETARIAT...

Several American media have began to promote the film SECRETARIAT that Walt Disney will launch next October 8.
Bernard Bujold has seen the movie and he was impressed by the quality of this story. It must be said that Bernard is a great lover of horses ...
But beyond any doubt, the film SECRETARIAT is an inspiring story that will inspires perseverance over obstacles that we all face to succeed in our individual lives. In theaters starting October 8.
Photo: Posters of the film
See public website for the movie SECRETARIAT


Erotic according to Anne-Marie Losique...

It was autumn 1997 at the World Film Festival of Montreal. I met there the daughter of the founding president of WFF Serge Losique, Anne-Marie, during one of the official functions of the festival. I had found her very friendly but slightly prudish ...
A close friend of Anne-Marie had introduced me by suggesting that I become Anne-Marie's boyfriend as she was single at the time ... (Like today actually)
Finally, we exchanged our cards, but neither one nor the other had responded. At the time, I had seen Anne-Marie fairly bright and above all she seemed to have developed a business acumen as her father, a character that I like very much. (He would have made an excellent stepfather ...)
Today in 2010, the success of Anne-Marie demonstrates clearly that she understand business and television. She has just published a photo book and she is starting an erotic television station on the cable next month.
Picture1: Book cover
Picture 2: Anne-Marie Losique and Bernard Bujold -1997


Sunday morning on the roof...

Nothing is more enjoyable than reading newspapers on the roof on a Sunday morning Fall sunny and slightly cool ...
Photo: Bernard Bujold on the roof of his residence in Old Montreal
View personal website of Bernard Bujold


President Obama and Jay Leno at White House Correspondents Dinner


Tall Ships in the Old Port of Montreal...

Five tall ships are moored in the Old Port of Montreal until Sunday (September 19, 2010) as part of the tour the Tall Ships. Friday morning at 11 o'clock, the crowd had already invaded the Old Port and it was like full weekend ... (Poor bosses and their employees ...)
It costs $ 5 to approach the boats and get on them but the real show is in the distance as if they were seen entering the harbor. Entering the Old Port is free ...
Picture 1: BOUNTY; Picture 2: Bernard Bujold on the BOUNTY


Rafael Nadal wins the US Open 2010

Rafael Nadal won the U.S. Open in 2010 and he defeated Novak Djokovic in the final of three hours and 42 minutes by the count 6-4, 5-7, 6-4, 6-1. Nadal is now part of the modern tennis history as he had already won earlier this season Roland Garros and Wimbledon.
Moreover, for the female fans in tennis, you must forget Rafa because he already has a lover, the young and beautiful Francesca Perello which of course was present in New York among the spectators ...
Photo 1 and 2: Rafael Nadal (Getty Image)
Photo 3: Francesca Perello (AP)
See story The Wall Street Journal ;
See story The New York Times


A detective story for the autumn - Louise Penny ...

Lovers of crime fiction will love the book by Louise Penny: "En Plein Coeur". The story is a translation of the original version appeared in English, "Still Life" and which the action takes place in the Eastern Townships. Everything starts with an exhibition of local artists to arrive at a murder mystery. Louise Penny is very unknown in francophone Quebec (a former journalist at CBC Montreal and Quebec) but she has published during the last five years a total of five popular books in English around the world. In addition, the output of its French translation coincides with the release of her sixth book in English: "Burry your Dead"
A writer to discover in the class of Kathy Reichs.
View official website of Louise Penny


Kim Clijsters wins the US Open 2010

The Belgian tennis star Kim Clijsters has quickly won, Saturday night Sept. 11 in New York, the 2010 U.S. Open with score of 6-2, 6-1 against the Russian Vera Zvonareva. A historic victory since Clijsters wins the competition for a third time in her career.
Photo 1-2: Kim Clijsters and her daughter Jada after the victory in New York
Show story CBS Sports ;
See story The New York Times


Souvenir of September 11, 2001

The date of 11 September 2001 is a day that everyone remembers of what he did at around 8:46 am.
"It was a beautifully sunny Tuesday. I was down at the cafe located in the Air France's building in Montreal and I saw on television a plane enter the external facade of the World Trade Center in New York. I initially thought that a game was rigged but I realized that the world had gone to war ..."- Bernard Bujold
Photo 1-2: The World Trade Center 2001; Photo 3: Ground Zero 2010


Pierre Elliot Trudeau - The politician

A magnificent book on Pierre Trudeau just arrived in bookstores.
The best pictures taken by photographers from The Canadian Press of that statesman during his career. To read and especially to watch!
Link to the book's website


Claude Béchard : A man of love...

The politician and Quebec Minister Claude Bechard (41 years) died on Tuesday September 7 at 3:30 p.m. from cancer of the pancreas. The politician was unique in the sense that all loved him, political opponents as allies. The announcement of his death has created a shock throughout Quebec. Claude Bechard was the member of National Assembly for Kamouraska-Temiscouata.
One could say of him "he had the art of being loved and loving others"
There will be a state funeral.
See text Le Devoir;
See text La Presse;
See text The Gazette;
See interview Josélito Michaud and Claude Béchard


Gérard Depardieu : A life story...

The French film icon Gerard Depardieu (61 years and 160 films in his career) came to close on the 34th World Film Festival of Montreal and salute at the same time his great friend the founding president of the WFF, Serge Losique. Depardieu has held a Master Class and hundreds of fans at Imperial Theatre have warmly applauded the actor during his presentation.
Scoop has also been unveiled after the event: Gerard Depardieu will participate next year in the 35th edition of the WFF. Serge Losique was very proud to make the announcement.
See Photo album LeStudio1.com and comments from Gerard Depardieu.


Nathalie Baye - To be an actress...

The great actress Nathalie Baye participated in the World Film Festival Montreal in 2010 and received a Special Grand Prize of the Americas. I had the pleasure of meeting and photographing.
A lovely woman in addition to being a great actress and a passionate his profession.
See story and photo album LeStudio1.com


Montreal Marathon 2010

Old Montreal is sometimes like in Monaco and one can, simply on his balcony, watch the events that take place in the street. In Monaco it's F1 Grand Prix while in Montreal is, amongst other,
the Montreal Marathon ... Here are some photos of the event which takes place today despite the cold ... (Sunday September 5, 2010)
See story and photo album LeStudio1.com


Camilo Guevara - The son of CHE

Bernard Bujold had the pleasure of meeting the son of Che Guevara, Camilo. He physically resembles his father and he is equally passionate. But Camilo have the eyes of his mother Aleida March....
LeStudio1.com have published on the website the photo album and the interview conducted with the descendant of El Che Guevara.
Link to the complete photo ALBUM.


Kent Nagano and Montreal

Kent Nagano was very proud to lead the Montreal Symphony Orchestra in downtown of the city last Thursday, September 2 on the land located east of the future building of the orchestra .. The concert looked like an evening at the park but with a construction site, downtown streets and tall buildings all around. But as at the park, there were also sellers of ice cream and yogurt ...
Moreover, the debate is on! With a cost of $ 260 million for a new concert hall and an operating budget funded at 49% by governments, is that the OSM must make its books public?
Some argue that financial transparency is required. An estimated $ 1,5 million go to the salary of Chief Kent Nagano for 15 weeks of work.
See story and photos


Barnes $25 Billion Art Trove, Boardroom Fight Drive Documentary

Albert C. Barnes

Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- A boardroom cabal, a dead man’s legacy, backstabbing trustees, conniving millionaires -- so it goes in “The Art of the Steal,” a new documentary about the controversial relocation of the world’s largest private collection of post-impressionist and modern art.

Albert C. Barnes, who made money by selling pharmaceuticals and spent it on art in the first half of the 20th century, assembled a $25 billion collection that he housed in an elegant Beaux-Arts mansion outside Philadelphia.

The trove held through his Barnes Foundation includes 181 Renoirs, 69 Cezannes, 59 Matisses, 46 Picassos, 16 Modiglianis and seven Van Goghs. Barnes, who had eccentric tastes in display, insisted that the paintings be hung densely amid medieval relics, African art and modernist furniture.

Barnes established the foundation in 1922 with a mandate to use the collection for art education, not commercial display. The artworks couldn’t be lent, sold or moved. The galleries were to be open to the public only two days a week; other days were dedicated to educational programs.

“It’s the Harvard MBA of teaching someone how to understand art,” said Lenny Feinberg, a real-estate developer and a former Barnes Foundation student who financed the documentary, in a recent interview in Manhattan.

Directed by Don Argott, the film opens in New York and Philadelphia today just as the art prepares to relocate to the City of Brotherly Love. The documentary portrays the 5-mile move as a cynical violation of everything Barnes stood for.

Media Baron

The film follows the foundation’s history, Barnes’s contentious relationship with the city’s establishment, including Walter Annenberg, a media baron who owned a chunk of the Pennsylvania Railroad, consorted with world leaders and was made an honorary knight of the Order of the British Empire after serving as U.S. ambassador to the Court of St. James.

Using dozens of interviews (with former students and teachers, writers, art dealers and museum curators), original documents, newspaper clips, old film footage and photographs, the documentary builds suspense like a good political thriller. At its fast-beating heart is a conspiracy involving major foundations.

“It’s a story of David and Goliath,” said producer Sheena Joyce. “Dr. Barnes is David. It’s his idea that’s being attacked by the outside forces.”

After Death

The film shows how after Barnes’s death in 1951, his wishes concerning the foundation were continually eroded, often with Annenberg’s support: from forcing the galleries to stay open to the public more days a week to the collection’s world tour in the mid-1990s.

One of the most dramatic parts involves the takeover of the foundation by what the film refers to as a “cabal” of powerful nonprofits, including the Pew Charitable Trusts, the Annenberg Foundation and the Lenfest Foundation.

“It was a nonprofit corporate takeover,” Feinberg said.

The three foundations declined numerous requests to be interviewed in the film, the producers said. The Annenberg Foundation and the Lenfest Foundation didn’t return calls seeking comment.

“There’s no data whatsoever to support these allegations,” said Rebecca W. Rimel, president and chief executive officer of the Pew Charitable Trusts. “It’s completely baseless.”

Lincoln’s Power

The Barnes board of trustees originally had five seats. Barnes gave the power to nominate four trustees to Pennsylvania’s Lincoln University, affording it control of the board and the foundation.

In 2000, the foundation announced it was broke. In 2002, it asked the court to allow it to add 10 new seats “to facilitate fundraising,” and to move its collection to Philadelphia. “Months before the petition,” the Barnes board asked the Pew, the Annenberg and the Lenfest for help; the three nonprofits offered to raise $150 million to help move the collection and provide an endowment, Rimel said.

The film suggests that in return the three foundations gained control over the new seats on the Barnes board. Rimel said that the donors had “the right to consult with the Barnes board. And the consultation was on a one-time basis.”

In 2004, the Barnes obtained a court ruling that allowed the collection to move to Philadelphia, on the assumption that more visitors would generate more money.

“It wasn’t just about moving paintings,” said Joyce. “Art is commerce. Charity is big business.”

“The Art of the Steal” will be shown at the IFC Center and Lincoln Plaza Cinemas in New York and the Ritz 5 in Philadelphia, starting today.


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