Russian tycoon Khodorkovsky gets 6 more years

Jailed Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky was sentenced to six more years in prison Thursday following a trial seen as payback for his defiance of Vladimir Putin's power.

Judge Viktor Danilkin sentenced Khodorkovsky to fourteen years after convicting him of stealing oil from his own company and laundering the proceeds, but the judge said the new sentence is counted from his 2003 arrest and includes his previous term in jail. Khodorkovsky is in the final year of an eight-year prison sentence.

Putin, now prime minister, is seen as the driving force behind the trial of Khodorkovsky, who challenged him during his presidency. Eyeing a return to the presidency in 2012, Putin appears unwilling to risk the possibility that a freed Khodorkovsky could help lead his political foes.

Following his 20-month second trial, the judge convicted Khodorkovsky and his business partner Platon Lebedev on charges of stealing around $27 billion worth of the oil that his Yukos company produced from 1998 to 2003 and laundering the proceeds. Defense lawyers said much of the judge's verdict was copied from the indictment and the prosecutors' final arguments.

The judge also sentenced Lebedev to fourteen years.

The defense called the charges ridiculous, saying they reflected the lack of understanding of the oil business, including the payment of transit fees and export duties.

The outcome of the second trial exposes how little has changed under President Dmitry Medvedev despite his promises to strengthen the rule of law and make courts an independent branch of government. The Russian Foreign Ministry has dismissed Western criticism of the trial as unacceptable pressure.


Moshe Katsav, Ex-Israeli president convicted of rape

Tel Aviv, Dec 30 (DPA) Former Israeli president Moshe Katsav was found guilty of rape by a court in Tel Aviv Thursday in a ruling more than four years after several women - former employees of Katsav - first made the allegations against him.

Tel Aviv District Court Judge George Kara, who headed a panel of three judges, took more than an hour to read out the verdict.

Katsav, 65, was convicted of all the sexual charges made against him, including two counts of rape and one count of a forced indecent act.

The judges ruled that his version of events was dishonest and called the testimony of one of the women who had complained, identified only as A., 'believable'.

A. had said that Katsav raped her twice in 1998 when he was tourism minister and she his subordinate. She testified he forced her to have sex with him once in his Tel Aviv office and shortly afterwards in a Jerusalem hotel.

Judge Kara began reading his verdict at 9 a.m., behind closed doors with only a few journalists allowed into the hall, by noting that the ex-president had made a mistake when he suddenly walked away from a lenient offer of a plea bargain.

Witnesses said Katsav murmured 'no' as the verdict was being read out.

Dozens of activists from women's rights groups demonstrated outside the court, holding up posters in support of victims of sexual harassment, including one which said, 'You are not alone'.

Before the accusations surfaced, Katsav had portrayed himself as self-made man who rose from a poor immigrant family from Iran to become Israel's number one citizen in 2000 after a lengthy but relatively undistinguished career as a front-bench lawmaker and minister for the Likud party.

The charges first came to light in July 2006, when the then- president complained to Israel's attorney general he was being blackmailed by a female employee in the president's office.

The attorney-general launched an investigation, which as it proceeded exposed a pattern of behaviour in which Katsav would start sexual liaisons with female subordinates, and according to Thursday's verdict, forced himself upon them.

Once one woman complained against him, others who had worked with him over the years - when Katsav was tourism minister from 1996 until 1999 and president from 2000 until 2007 - followed suit.

The married father of five and grandfather of two has insisted he was innocent, and claimed the women acted out of bitterness due to his rejecting either their professional or romantic advances. He also accused the media of staging a 'lynching'.

The indictment eventually filed against him included two counts of rape, two counts of committing an indecent act, two counts of sexual harassment, once count of harassing a witness and one count of obstruction of justice.

In Thursday's ruling, he was acquitted of only one charge of allegedly harassing a witness.

Speaking at the start of his trial in May 2009, Katsav had said: 'I am fighting to prove my innocence. We are setting out on a long, hard struggle to clear my name.'

There was no comment from him Thursday, but Attorney Avigdor Feldman vowed his client 'will not let up on his will to prove his innocence'.

But prosecutor Ronit Amiel countered: 'This is not a happy day. This is not an easy day, but this day does teach about the strength of Israeli democracy, that also people of power and presidents' have no impunity.

It was the first time a former president stood trial in Israel and was seen as a blow to the standing of Israel's highest post.

In Israel, the president has largely ceremonial duties and, in a country riven by political divides and where family values are important, is seen as the one leader who represents all citizens.


Natalie Portman to Wed 'Black Swan' Choreographer

Natalie Portman is pregnant with her first child and is engaged to Benjamin Millepied, the choreographer of "Black Swan."

A publicist for Portman confirmed Monday that the couple are engaged and expecting, but declined to give any further details. People magazine first reported the news.

The 29-year-old actress and Millepied, a well-regarded ballet dancer and choreographer, met during the making of "Black Swan," Darren Aronofsky's psychological thriller that stars Portman as a ballet dancer. She's been nominated for best actress by the Golden Globes and the Screen Actors Guild.

Millepied played a small on-screen role in the film as a dancer.

Portman also stars in Ivan Reitman's upcoming romantic comedy, "No Strings Attached."


Happy New Year 2011 wish you all a year 2011 filled with success and personal joy.
The Team ;
See Personalities of Year 2010 -


Christmas 2010

Santa is in great shape for the morning of December 25, 2010 and will be accompanied this year in his distribution of gifts by the Clementine la Pouliche ...
Happy Holidays to everyone!
Photo 1. Christmas tree;
Photo 2. Santa and Clementine la Pouliche
See photo report Christmas;


The new book of Benedict XVI

The new book by Pope Benedict XVI is captivating and we discover who really is the man Benedict XVI.
In his new book, Pope Benedict VXI is very realistic about his church and even the definition of God. In a sense, it supports even Wikileaks when he says that disclosure of sexual abuse has really hurt the church but added that the truth always leads to better institutions. A book to read!


Julie Depardieu is expecting a baby

French actress Julie Depardieu is expecting a baby with her boyfriend, French singer Philippe Katerine. The newborn is expected to arrive in May 2011. Julie is the daughter of Gerard Depardieu. offers its congratulations to the couple and the Depardieu family.
Photo: Julie Depardieu and her boyfriend singer Philippe Katerine
See story Yahoo! France ;
See story Télé


Pénélope McQuade at Radio-Canada

Penelope McQuade will become a television host at Radio-Canada. She will succeed France Beaudoin during the summer show at the Canadian network. Penelope is the daughter of Winston McQuade, former host Sport on Radio-Canada and a recognized painter.
Sincere congratulations to Penelope!
Photo: Penelope McQuade by Bernard Bujold


Julian Assange is free

The founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, is free on bail.
Assange met with reporters upon his release from prison and has reported very happy to be released from his prison cell which he described as primitive and Victorian. He intends to continue his fight for truth around the world and he thanked all those who support him!
Photo 1 and 2: Julian Assange his release from prison;
See story The New York Times ;
See BBC report


Mark Zuckerberg - Person of year 2010 - Magazine Time

The friend of half a billion of Facebook's fans, Mark Zuckerberg, was named Personality of the Year 2010 of Time magazine. Congratulations and best friendship!
Photo 1: Cover Time Magazine Person of the Year;
Photo2: Mark Zuckerberg in his favorite coffee
See site TIME Magazine;


Person of the Year - Time Magazine

"If you want a friend, adopt a dog!" -Harry S. Truman / Gordon Gekko - Wall Street (film)
For this reason, Ulysse the Dog - deserves to be the "Person of the Year 2010" Time magazine ...
The official unveiling is on Wednesday morning December 15 (Today Show on NBC). Julian Assange is the favorite according to a poll by the magazine but he is followed closely by Lady Gaga. We'll see if the editors of the magazine have the audacity to choose Julian Assange, actually free on bail..
To be continued ...
Photo 1: Installation Ulysse Person of the Year;
Photo 2: Ulysse the Dog - Mascot
See site TIME Magazine;


Celine Dion invites us into her home

Fans of Celine Dion certainly have bought the magazine Hello Canada to view pictures of the residence of Celine and Rene, as well as their families. The excellent interview is conducted by the Canadian publisher of the international magazine, Alison Eastwood, and photos are by Gerard Schachmes (Celine's official photographer).
Those who do not read English can see the same photos in the Quebec magazine 7 Jours, but with another interview by local freelance journalist and presenter on Canal Vox, Sophie Durocher ...
Personally, I read the two interviews and I did not like the French one...
Photo 1: Cover of Hello Magazine Canada;
Photo 2; Rene Angelil and Celine Dion (Photo Bernard Bujold)
Look to website of magazine Hello Canada ;


Vatican deems Wikileaks disclosures 'serious'

The Vatican has described the posting of Wikileaks transcripts of secret and confidential material relating to it as an act of extreme seriousness. 
Among other Vatican cables, the website posted details of a leaked cable from the US Embassy to the Holy See which suggests that many in the Vatican were offended by requests for information from the Murphy Commission, which they saw as an affront to Vatican sovereignty.
Last year, the Commission investigating clerical child abuse in the Dublin Archdiocese said the Vatican had failed to acknowledge a number of written requests for information.
In a statement this evening, the Vatican press office has expressed scepticism at the reliability of the reports in a statement that referred to 'the extreme seriousness of publishing such a large amount of secret and confidential material, and its possible consequences.'
The Holy See has said that 'naturally these reports reflect the perceptions and opinions of the people who wrote them and cannot be considered as expressions of the Holy See itself, nor as exact quotations of the words of its officials.'
The statement continued that 'their reliability must, then, be evaluated carefully and with great prudence, bearing this circumstance in mind.'
The contentious cable dated 26 February 2010, quoted a US diplomat in Rome, Julieta Noyes as saying, 'While Vatican contacts immediately expressed deep sympathy for the victims and insisted that the first priority was preventing a recurrence, they also were angered by how the situation played out politically.'
The cable said Vatican officials were annoyed that Dublin 'did not step in to direct the Murphy Commission to follow standard procedures in communications with Vatican City.
Vatican officials also believed some Irish opposition politicians were making political hay with the situation by calling publicly on the Government to demand that the Vatican reply.
Ultimately, the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, wrote to the Irish embassy and ordered that any further requests go through diplomatic channels.
Last year Judge Yvonne Murphy's independent Commission investigating the Catholic Church's handling of abuse allegations in the Dublin Archdiocese said the Vatican had failed to acknowledge a number of written requests for information.
After the publication of the report, Taoiseach Brian Cowen agreed that the commission had been incorrect not to have used diplomatic channels. 
Responding to the leaks, a prominent survivor of clerical abuse, Andrew Madden, said the Government had protected the Vatican's sovereignty in the affair and had shielded Rome from scrutiny on clerical abuse.
Maeve Lewis, Executive Director of One in Four said she thought it was laughable that the Vatican would have been offended by the request for information from the Murphy Commission.
She said this supports the view that the Catholic Church has continuously failed to accept institutional responsibility for sexual crimes against children
Maeve Lewis said it was very regrettable that the Vatican had not co-operated with the inquiry at the time.
She said there had been a number of abuse survivors in touch with One in Four since news broke about the leaked cables on the Wikileaks website.
Meanwhile, another cable concerning the Vatican revealed by WikiLeaks has shown that Britain feared Pope Benedict XVI's invitation for disgruntled Anglicans to switch to Catholicism might spark anti-Catholic violence at home.
A 2002 cable published by the New York Times has revealed that US diplomats believe some top members of the Vatican's hierarchy allegedly still harbour anti-Semitic views.
Other cables have said that the Vatican allegedly agreed to help the US in behind-the-scenes lobbying of states to join the Copenhagen Accord on climate change, and was instrumental in securing the release of 15 British navy personnel detained by Iran in 2007.
Cables also reveal the extent to which the Vatican attempts to exert its influence on the world stage, lobbying to keep Turkey out of the European Union, and arguing for a ban on human cloning. 


Photo Exhibition of Yousuf Karsh in Montreal

Bernard Bujold is a great admirer of photographer Yousuf Karsh and he had the pleasure of meeting him a few times when they both lived in Ottawa.
Bernard was quick to accept the invitation of the McCord Museum in Montreal to attend a recent press conference to announce the exhibition: Karsh & Steichen.
"Let's say that the press conference was not very long ... but the exhibition deserves to be seen. Besides, the McCord Museum deserves to be better known. It was a discovery for me and I loved all exhibitions currently in place. The one about Karsh continues until April 25,2011.
Photo 1: (Winston Churchill (1874-1965), 30 décembre 1941, par Yousuf Karsh tiré avant septembre 1988
Épreuve à la gélatine argentique, 50,2 x 40,7 cm Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, Ottawa
Don de l'artiste, Ottawa, 1989 © Succession Yousuf Karsh)
Photo 2: Bernard Bujold.
See website McCord Museum:


Julian Assange and the trilogy Millennium

The story of Julian Assange and site Wikileaks is like a copy reality of the fiction trilogy by Stieg Larsson, Millennium.
Assange is a figure that includes both the characteristics of Lisbeth Salender the hacker and the journalist Mikael Blomkvist. One would think that Julian Assange was inspired from the novel to create Wikileaks ...
His arrest will not put an end to disclosures of Wikileaks because there are hundreds of Internet users worldwide who put a mirror copy of the website information on their respective servers.
Photo 1: Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander;
Photo 2 and 3: Julian Assange
See site Stieg Larsson;
See story The Wall Street Journal;
See story The New York Times;
See text The Globe and Mail;


Consumer Reports: AT&T Is The Worst in the U.S., U.S. Cellular the Best

Consumer Reports' latest member survey ranks AT&T's wireless services as the worst in the U.S.
By Eric Zeman, InformationWeek
Dec. 6, 2010

Consumer Reports recently surveyed its readers about the performance of the major wireless networks across the U.S. The survey revealed that those readers rate AT&T as the worst wireless provider in every single city, as well as the worst in general. Ouch. In 2009, at least AT&T managed to rank second-to-last.

The survey this year asked readers to rate the quality of voice calls, text messages, and wireless data, in addition to customer support for various functions. AT&T earned the lowest ratings for each and every category with the exception of text messaging, in which it earned the second-to-worst rating.

AT&T's total score was 60 points. By way of comparison, T-Mobile earned 69 points, Sprint scored 73 points, Verizon Wireless scored 74 points, and U.S. Cellular scored 82 points. Consumer Reports points out that scores closer than 4 points don't reflect an appreciable difference, meaning the difference between T-Mobile and Sprint isn't all that noticeable, and the difference between Sprint and Verizon isn't all that noticeable.

AT&T, of course, responded to the report with a statement: "We take this seriously and we continually look for new ways to improve the customer experience. The fact is wireless customers have choices and a record number of them chose AT&T in the third quarter, significantly more than our competitors. Hard data from independent drive tests confirms AT&T has the nation's fastest mobile broadband network with our nearest competitor 20 percent slower on average nationwide and our largest competitor 60 percent slower on average nationwide. And, our dropped call rate is within 1/10 of a percent - the equivalent of just one call in a thousand - of the industry leader."

The problem with AT&T's statement is that it hasn't provided access to the "hard data from independent drive tests," so we can't verify what AT&T claims.

For such a well-known publication to rate AT&T as the worst wireless provider across the country (based on what its members say) is damaging no matter how you look at it.

Of course, this is the same well-known publication that won't recommend the iPhone 4 due to the "death grip" issue. Apple sold 14.1 million iPhones during its most recent fiscal quarter.


Christmas gifts suggestions...

The Craft Fair (Le Salon des métiers d'art de Montréal) runs until December 22 at Place Bonaventure. Santa made a visit there to continue its selection of gifts for the morning of December 25 ...
Admission to the exhibition is free and there are hundreds of booths.
Photo 1-2: Father Christmas visiting Crafts Fair
View photo album Crafts Fair -


Jean Charest is like Ingrid Betancourt

When asked Friday in Montreal about his survival in the jungle Ingrid Betancourt said: "I never gave up who I was in my soul and I'm never become slave to my captors. I've always remained true to myself! ".
In a sense, Jean Charest is acting the same towards those who criticize him. It does not submit or abandon his ideas before them! He could win at this game because in politics, two years is an eternity and there is no real opponent in place that can really replace him as Prime Minister.
To be continued ...
Photo 1: Jean Charest (CBC;
Photo 2: Ingrid Betancourt (Bernard Bujold)
See story Tout le monde en parle;


A free Woman - Ingrid Bétancourt

Ingrid Betancourt was in Montreal (December 3, 2010) to talk about his autobiography: "Even silence has an end"
When asked about her definition of herself, she replied: "I am a free woman ..."
Photo 1-2-3: Ingrid Betancourt by Bernard Bujold
View photo album Ingrid Betancourt -


A Calendar for 2011...

Karl Lagerfeld signs the Pirelli Calendar 2011. A work of art!
See story in Paris Match ;


Internet Magazine and iPad- version 2010

The Walking Man wishes good luck to Richard Branson and his new magazine iPad PROJECT.
Five years ago, the creator of the site, Bernard Bujold, met Richard Branson with a proposal to invest in Branson replied: "I will think about it."
He finally responded by launching yesterday in 2010 (Tuesday November 30th) the magazine iPad PROJECT. Unfortunately the project has nothing to do with
Nevertheless, warmly congratulate Richard Branson and wish him the best of luck.
See website Richard Branson ;
See web site
Picture 1; Walking Man ;
Picture 2: Richard Branson at PROJECT launching ( Picture by Tomoji Thirakata Nov. 2010);
Picture 3 : Bernard Bujold - (March 2005)


Russia will host the 2018 World Cup; Qatar was selected as host of the 2022 World Cup

  • Russia will host the 2018 World Cup
  • Qatar will host the 2022 World Cup
ZURICH (AP) - Russia will host the 2018 World Cup.
It was chosen Thursday by FIFA's executive committee over England and joint bids by Spain-Portugal and Netherlands-Belgium.

Russia won despite the absence of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in Zurich. At the last minute, he declined to make a final pitch for his country.

Qatar was selected as host of the 2022 World Cup, beating out a bid by the United States to bring soccer's showcase back to America for the first time since 1994.

FIFA's executive committee choose Qatar over the U.S., Australia, Japan and South Korea in a secret vote Thursday.


Amazon boots WikiLeaks from its computers Inc. seems to have kicked WikiLeaks off its computers.
The website, which recently released troves of sensitive diplomatic cables, had been hosted by the online retailer’s servers.
But on Wednesday, WikiLeaksposted on Twitter that it had been “ousted.”
“Free speech the land of the free – fine our $ are now spent to employ people in Europe,” read one missive, quickly followed by another: “If Amazon are so uncomfortable with the first amendment, they should get out of the business of selling books.”
Political pressure forced WikiLeaks to return to its original Swedish host, Bahnhof AB, which it had abandoned in favor of Amazon after saying that its computers had been attacked. 
Sen. Joe Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut, had urged Amazon earlier to ditch WikiLeaks. He encouraged other hosts to “immediately terminate” any relationship with WikiLeaks, which he accused of “illegal, outrageous and reckless acts.”
“I wish that Amazon had taken this action earlier based on WikiLeaks' previous publication of classified material,” Lieberman said in a statement. “The company’s decision to cut off WikiLeaks now is the right decision and should set the standard for other companies WikiLeaks is using to distribute its illegally seized material.”
Swedish police are searching for WikiLeaks founder and Australia native Julian Assange, who has denied accusations of sexual assault.


Personalities of the Year 2010 -

At the end of every year, since 2005, awards its titles Personalities of the year.
Our selection is based on the achievements and most importantly, according to human values shown by the winning personalities. Our choices are also influenced in regards of activities for which our website is particularly interested.

Here are the Personalities of 2010:

Person of the Year - The 33 miners and the Président of Chile

Personality Event - Art Exhibition Gilles Carle - Chloé Ste-Marie

Personality Arts - Winston McQuade - Painter Artist

Personality Book - Louise Penny - Author of Thrillers

Personality Media - News Websites Rue Frontenac and Wikileaks

Personality Society - René Angélil and Céline Dion

Personality Photography - Michèle Dionne-Charest - Photographer

Personality Restaurant - Jérôme Ferrer - Chief and restaurant owner

Personnalité Television - Chantal Fontaine and the Virginie's team

Personality Politics - Saint Brother André

Spécial Mentions - Steves Jobs (Apple) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)

Links to stories and biography of all the Personalities of the Year 2010


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