Nafissatou Diallo Biografi and Pictures

Nafissatou Diallo, is the name of the woman whom Dominique Strauss-Kahn (ex-director of the IMF) is accused of sexually attacking her? Her statement was proven to be false and bail conditions on Dominique Strauss Kahn relaxed on 1 July 2011, after a recording of her discussing how to best profit from the situation was recorded within twenty four hours of the supposed attack. 100 000 Dollars was found in various bank accounts belonging to her.
Certain newspapers have named her as Helia Famotidina and had a page Facebook under this name. She comes from Guinea and according to her family, Nafissatou Diallo, 32 years old, has been living in America for fourteen years.
Some sources say she is a shopkeeper’s daughter, others that her parents are small holders. She is of Peule origin, she comes from Labé in Guinea.
She got married at seventeen and went to live in Conakry with her husband and came to the United States with her daughter and husband in 1998. She got divorced and has raised her daughter, on her own, in the Bronx. Certain newspapers say that her husband died in 1997, and that she came to the States in 2004, leaving her daughter with her grandparents and bringing her to the States later in 2009.
She has family in the States, her sister is married to a businessman who lives in Harlem. Nafissatou has a green card and has been working as a chamber maid for the last three years for the Sofitel chain of hotels. According to her sister, she is hard working.
A relation of hers, Mamadou Chérif Diallo, a 35 year old Guinean who works for the Town of New York says he has been asked by her family to represent her, and has stated, "She is a good Musulman, she is very pretty, like all Peule women and in our culture, we don’t accept this kind of aggression.” After the aggression, she was put under Police protection in a secret place and has been assisted by a lawyer.

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