#ff Man is a Social Being...

Although, like everyone else, I have some concerns when it comes to Facebook privacy, from time to time I search Facebook for someone interesting to friend whom I don't know personally. I think it adds to the mix and matter of social networking. Life (and internet social networking) is often about DISCOVERY via reaching out to others. Digital Grifter Schnooks know this [Schnook 1][Schnook 2] and work it to their advantage, harboring less than honorable intentions, which yield unhappy results.

Wanna delete that Facebook account? Here's how.
Speaking of DISCOVERY, did humans cross from eastern Africa to Arabia around 130,000 years ago? This could be an addendum to the excellent PBS documentary THE JOURNEY OF MAN.

The latest wave of PR updates has shaken and stirred the blogosphere. I found a nice site for investigating your blog backlinks.

About #ff

Follow Friday is simply an understood way of promoting other people on Twitter – anyone you think your followers should also be following for any reason.

How to participate in Follow Friday:
1. type Follow Friday and/or #ff (upper or lower case is fine) anywhere within a tweet
2. list the @name of the Tweeters you recommend

If you want your Follow Fridays to be more effective (increase how many new followers they get), you can also craft a reason why you’re giving them the Follow Friday and why you think they’ll be a great follow for all your followers.

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