Around The Blogosphere 30 January 2011

Entrecard Experiencing Technical Difficulties

The popular hybrid advertising/social blogger's network is having a "dashboard" dilemma: Droppers can't reciprocate the way they are accustomed to! "Serious error: We have a bug in our software..." read »

Brazil: Exclusive Internet Interview with the Founder of WikiLeaks

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Brazilian netizens were invited to participate in an exclusive and collective interview with Julian Assange, founder and editor of the polemical WikiLeaks. Assange explains why he works with mainstream media – though he never fails to criticize it. Egypt: Hosni Mubarak Appoints Vice-president (Politics)
A. Fatih Syuhud - In other countries vice-president appointment might not be a news at all. Not in Egypt. Since, Husni Mubarak have not appointed any VP during his 30-year rule.

Egypt: Solidarity Pours in from Around the World

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On Saturday, in different cities around the world, people demonstrated in solidarity with the Egyptian protesters. This is a round up of some of the videos of the marches posted!

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