EBay and PayPal sue Google over trade secrets

EBay and its online acquittal unit, PayPal Inc, on Thursday sued Google Inc and two admiral for burglary barter secrets accompanying to adaptable acquittal systems.
The two executives, Osama Bedier and Stephanie Tilenius, were aforetime with PayPal and led the barrage on Thursday of Google's own adaptable acquittal arrangement in affiliation with MasterCard, Citigroup and buzz aggregation Sprint.
The clothing highlights the growing action by a advanced ambit of companies from acceptable accounts to Silicon Valley aggravating to booty a above pale in what has been declared as a $1 abundance befalling in adaptable payments. The adaptable buzz is apparent as the agenda claimed wallet of the future.
The eBay clothing said Bedier formed for nine years at PayPal, best afresh confined as carnality admiral of platform, adaptable and fresh ventures. He abutting Google on January 24 this year.
Tilenius was at eBay from 2001 to October 2009 and served as a adviser to the aggregation until March 2010. The clothing says Tilenius abutting Google in February 2010 as carnality admiral of e-commerce.
Bedier is accused in the clothing of accepting "misappropriated PayPal barter secrets by advice them aural Google and to above retailers."
The clothing accused Tilenius of recruiting Bedier, thereby breaking a acknowledged acceding with eBay. It additionally claims Bedier attempted to recruit above colleagues still at PayPal.
Ebay said PayPal and Google formed carefully calm for three years until this year on developing a bartering accord area PayPal would serve as a acquittal advantage for adaptable appliance purchases on Google's Android phones.
It said Bedier was the chief PayPal controlling arch and finalizing negotiations with Google on Android during this period.
It additionally claimed Bedier transferred abreast versions of abstracts analogue PayPal's adaptable acquittal strategies to his non-PayPal computer aloof canicule afore abrogation PayPal for Google.
"By hiring Bedier, with his barter abstruse ability of PayPal's affairs and compassionate of Google's weaknesses as beheld by the industry baton (PayPal), Google bought the best absolute and adult appraisal of its own problems available," the clothing said.
Google agent Aaron Zamost said the aggregation had not yet accustomed a archetype of the complaint would not be able to animadversion until it has had a adventitious to analysis it.
Google and PayPal accept done action in the contempo accomplished in online payments via computers with the barrage of Google Checkout in 2006, but Checkout has had a basal appulse on PayPal's bazaar dominance.
The clothing was filed at Superior Court of the State of California, canton of Santa Clara, Case No: CV20l863.

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