When Blogging Gets Ugly

Is this how Windy and Lainy would like to see yours truly?

Internet thugs, stalkers and hackers abound. Sometimes, as A-list blogger Michelle Malkin will attest, trouble at the hands of critics cannot always be avoided.

Oleg Kashin, special correspondent for the newspaper Kommersant and well-known blogger, was brutally beaten near his home in November 2010 [ru]. A video recording of the attack was subsequently published on the Internet [ru].

President Medvedev tweeted about the incident and said that the criminals should be found and punished. Important accounts of this attack on Kashin were described on Global Voices by Alexey Sidorenko.

In December, 2010 Kashin published an article “A beating on my beat” in the New York Times. He took part in an international conference beginning the same day as World Press Freedom Day, where he spoke to Global Voices (GV).

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