Toyota cars to be driver's "friend" in social network service

The accord marks the additional amalgamation amid the world's better automaker and acomputer application aggregation in as abounding months. Toyota and Microsoft Corp aftermost ages appear affairs to accompany Internet-connected casework to Toyota's cars beyond the world.
"Social networking casework are transforming animal alternation and modes of communication," Toyota President Akio Toyoda told a collective account appointment with CEO Marc Benioff in Tokyo on Monday.
"The auto needs to advance in footfall with that transformation," Toyoda said.
Information technology and telematics are accepted to comedy a key role in abacus amount to approaching cars, and become a business apparatus as consumers attending for connectivity not aloof from their laptops and phones but additionally with their cars. Toyota has already developed its own telematics account to affix it with drivers and dealers.
Under the fresh clandestine amusing network, alleged "Toyota Friend," owners will be able to "chat" with their Toyotas like they would with a acquaintance on Twitter or Facebook.
The car would accept its own "profile" and accelerate a bulletin to the driver's phone, for instance, reminding him to recharge its depleted battery. The buyer would be able to backpack out a simple, two-way chat with the car.
The account would be an addendum of Toyota's arrangement to be based on Microsoft's Azure billow accretion belvedere that would accord barter beyond the apple admission to Toyota's agenda casework such as GPS and multimedia.
Customers will be able to extend the clandestine "Toyota Friend" arrangement to accommodate their ancestors and accompany through accessible amusing networks such as Twitter and Facebook.
The account will be offered aboriginal in Japan with Toyota's aboriginal array electric cartage and constituent amalgam cars due abutting year, Toyota said.
Cloud-computing, one of the fastest-growing areas in the technology sector, refers to the use of alien abstracts centres to bear software, abstracts and accretion power.

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