Why You See What You See On This Blog

ARTICLES about current events and pop culture include politics, the economy, ecology, entertainment and pure juicy gossip. Sometimes I imagine myself as the editor of a grand magazine...

This little humble weblog has had a pretty good run so far. I remember the days of checking the statcounter and seeing 9 visitors. And the day I checked the counter at 0800 and saw 18,000 visitors! If you're a regular reader, I'm glad you're here. If you're just droppin' by for a quick visit, I'm cool with that. You are always welcome here!

DONATE BUTTON - Nobody's ever given a penny, but I saw other blogger with their little "tip jars" and "buy me a beer" links - so it's there. If anyone ever makes a deposit I'll be grateful. I'm not holding my breath.

ADS are what they are - bringing a smidgen of revenue in - available because people used to ask me all the time if they could place ads on my blog.

twitter / top posts / popular articles ::: ways to let you know what's happening with me and with the blog here, as in what's trending. I've always believed a blog should be interacting and offer the reader a number of destinations.

World Market Watch ::: because, like other bloggers, I have stuff in my sidebar that is primarily a convenience for ME (same with the NY LOTTERY numbers) - but I also blog about the economy and the market once in awhile, so this fits right in with the decor.

The Rest of The Sidebar ::: a mishmash of links and stuff. Some of them go back to my old days blogging on multiply! A little bit of sentimental value, some of these do have, and there are a few that, although "dated" (like the trackback set-up links) can still be used once in a great while... there are a handful of blogs that still accept trackbacks!

I have some of my favorite books listed, some other links. From time to time I get the urge to clean up the sidebar, and eventually do. A lot of "history" there, and I figure it's far enough down the page it won't really bother too many folks.

So that's a look at what I've been looking at... the little product I have here... the little journal, part-time diary, piece of history, chronicle of events...

Comment below if you have a story about YOUR blog you'd care to share!
TRYING SOMETHING NEW::: SERPD - it only works if you are on the actual individual post page. You have to register on the website. It's a real bitch to get past the cranky capcha screen, but once in you're golden!

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