NetActive 24 May 2011
Twitter has been awash with tweets about Manal Al-Sharif, whom some have described as another Rosa Parks (the famous activist of the African American civil rights movement).
Rita Chemaly congratulates Lebanese women on recent progress toward gender equality in Lebanese law. Several laws have been modified to grant women more rights in the areas of income tax, inheritance, and social security. To read her post, Mabrouk! [congratulations], click here.
The Arab revolution has impacted the cinematic world. Filmmakers from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia have just launched on their blog Maghreb du cinéma [fr], a suggestion box to reinvigorate the creation, production and distribution of their work. Their manifesto can be signed here [fr].Every online search engine has to face the inevitable question: Can it top Google? But Mahesh Kukreja reveals a few sites which will help you unearth data from the past.
A travers le monde, des militants de l’ombre s’organisent pour diffuser les images clandestines des manifestations et de la répression en Syrie.
De Beyrouth à Stockholm, Vincent Jauvert, journaliste au « Nouvel Observateur » a rencontré ces activistes qui utilisent les technologies les plus modernes pour briser le silence.