Future. The Progression of Ideas.

Century I, Quatrain 64
At night they will think they have seen the sun,
when they see the half pig man:
Noise, screams, battles seen fought in the skies.
The brute beasts will be heard to speak
~ Nostradamus.

In 2011 we could interpret the "half pig man" to be the product of genetic technology (or a guy who has had pig blood vessels installed to replace his own damaged ones). The point here, is that as we catch up to the future, we are better able to look back and understand the past. In 1960, the genetic possibility would likely not have been explored, nor even thought of.

Watching the PBS-Television series "Freedom Riders" the other night with a 14-year old in the room. A young teen who stared at the screen, incredulous - unable to understand the racial divide portrayed in the episode being played - I tried to explain.

There were things thought impossible then (only 50 years ago) - things like a black president, telephones we could carry in our pockets, same-sex marriage. Things are more things that are part of reality now.

The young person(s) watching "Freedom Riders: will likely see many things come to pass in their own lifetimes that they cannot even begin to conceive of today.

"Farms" where human replacement parts are grown. A meteor striking the earth causing mass devastation. An invasion by a technologically superior race of beings from a distant planet. Men marrying animals.

It almost hurts the mind to think about things like that, does it not?

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