Albany Public Library Bookmobile SOLD

Perhaps they could have converted the old bookmobile into one of these snazzy weiners (not YOU, Anthony!) , and dispensed free hot dog lunches at designated locations across the city?


In these economic times of trouble, when you can't even buy a junky used car for $2500, and the Albany Public Library is hurtin' for money (you would be too if you bought a bunch of $1000 apiece chairs for computer-users at the branches), I was shocked to see they sold the bookmobile for a sliver of what AllOverAlbany says it is worth!

Ah well, it was way too big for my driveway! Maybe the library got some sort of nice tax write-off or something - the behemoth costs around $100K a year to operate, according to the Times Union story...

Your tax dollars at work, Smallbanians!

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