NetActive 19 July 2011

Watch Rebecca Black "My Moment" Music Video!

For the past 18 months, Ness Computing has been very quietly working on some new technology that they believe will be the next big thing in search. It’s a new, highly personalized search engine that they hope to launch in the coming weeks.

Ness secured the domain, where you can sign up now to learn more about the company

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has made 14 arrests nationwide after raiding a series of homes across the U.S. in connection a sweep designed to dent the Anonymous hacking group, concerning pay pal fraud. Two others were arrested on separate charges.

According to CBS News, the FBI sweep was a major operation in New York, California, New Jersey and Florida.

Twitter to Promote and Preserve Underrepresented Languages

The project Indigenous Tweets started by Kevin Scannell has been tracking and highlighting Twitter accounts that have been using the microbl... More »

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