Lindsay Lohan Warmest News

Lindsay Lohan, the actress returned to court to get a progress report on her probation stemming from her drunk driving and misdemeanor theft cases. Let's just call it a convicted felon's form of a report card.

Lohan's attorney Shawn Chapman Holley gave Judge Stephanie Sautner an update on Lohan’s court-ordered community service hours, along with the progress she's making with her shoplifters alternative course and court-ordered psychological counseling. Holley claimed that her client was in the process of finding out if she's eligible for insurance through the Screen Actors Guild since she can't afford to pay for the counseling sessions on her own. So let me get this straight...Lindsay can afford to pay rent for her expensive Venice Beach home, but she can't afford counseling. Got it.

Luckily there was at least one sane person in the courtroom. Judge Sautner showed no sympathy by saying, “She needs to get into counseling, I’m going to give her 21 days...if she doesn’t have the means, maybe she knows somebody who can help, find someone with a credit card who can help.” The judge also firmly warned the actress, “If I don’t have proof in 21 days, I will revoke probation and set a formal hearing." Judge Sautner also urged Lohan to not delay her mandated community service hours for any reason, Lohan is due back in court again on October 19 for another progress report.

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