Power Girls

Beyoncé Covers Complex For Their ‘Might Fly’ August/September Issue

It seems the time has come to devote a post to some of the ladies out there making cultural contributions. Of course there's Nicki Minaj and Britney Spears tearing up the summer concert circuit, and there are other gals performing, writing, politicizing... Gals we pity, gals we love and gals we love to hate (Palin, Anthony, Abedin, Clinton...)

Michelle Malkin » PLAs should be outlawed

michellemalkin.com - Graphic via The Truth about PLAs I’ve written before about Project Labor Agreements — Big Labor’s blunt instrument used to give unions a leg up in contracting. This racket needs all the exposure it...

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Raw Blue Cheese TV's mission is to gather up the stories that have made the people that matter in HIp Hop who they are. We let their Hip Hop Moment's speak for th

Minns en spelning i hemstaden Lund då hon som 11-åring fick se ett band som skulle komma att slå igenom stort...!

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Sreyneath Poole is a young blogger who has begun documenting “inspiring Cambodian women”. Her blog project wants to dispute the traditional belief that Cambodian women belong to the kitchen. This is her story. Kounila Keo· reports for Global Voices :
On her blog Sreyneath writes: "This project was inspired after my essay on Cambodian women in politics and their discrimination in the public service. In my conclusion of the essay I wrote that Cambodian woman will continue to be discriminated against because of traditional values.

"Inspiring Cambodian Women" is set up in the hope of inspiring the world, especially Cambodian women, to stand up and make their voice be heard; to be active in their community or in the world. Even if tradition plays a huge obstacle, women can look up to women role models and be inspired to overcome the obstacles that they will face.

My hope is for the global community to become aware of incredible Cambodian women who put their time and effort to the development of their local community.

Through blogging, I hope to inspire women and youth to become an active member in their local and global community."

Turkey: Protest Against Kurdish Singer Prompts Strong Social Media Response

Read this post.
Aynur Doğan, a Kurdish-Turkish singer, was jeered by part of the audience during an open air concert in the Istanbul Jazz Festival because she sang a song in Kurdish. Part of the audience sang the Turkish National Anthem in protest, while others in the audience supported the singer.

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