NetActive 18 July 2011

Top Viruses

One of China's most promising young gymnasts, Zhang Shangwu seemed destined for Olympic glory before his career ended in injury. He has been found begging on the streets of Beijing, prompting criticism of the country's Soviet-style sports system.

Sean Hoare, the former News of the World showbiz reporter who was the first named journalist to allege Andy Coulson was aware of phone hacking by his staff, has been found dead, the Guardian has learned.

Yemen Protests 2011

TranslationsThis post also available in:

Español· Protestas en Yemen - 2011

Young supporter for Yemen protests, Washington DC, USA. Flickr: Messay Shoakena (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

Young supporter for Yemen protests, Washington DC, USA. Flickr: Messay Shoakena (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

Table of Contents

Washington Post (blog)- Jul 18, 2011- Sure, there are a lot of blogs and a lot of blah-blah-blah out there. But here at The State of NoVa, we've culled through a few hundred or so, and bring you our list of the Top 31 fun and fascinating blogs...
Inbox Overload Begone: Taskforce Exits Beta, Goes Pro With Paid Version - Email is an essential part of our daily communication, but it can also be a real pain in the ass.

QUOTE OF THE DAY ::: This comes from the 'comments' section in a post appearing on Lisa Irby's blog ::: "On Google you can connect with people who are actively looking to solve their problem. But people don’t go to Facebook to solve problems. They probably go there more to avoid their problems."

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