$4 a gallon! (Do I hear $4.29? $4.69? $4.99?)

Photo by Saki Tumi, taken in Albany, NY at 3:45pm Saturday, April 9, 2011

In reaching this "high point" I can only say it took the oil industry longer than anticipated to get here (the Gulf Oil Spill forced them to cancel the $4 plan last year) ... I recall hearing back around the time Sadaam Hussein was forced out of power how "gas would be cheaper" ... BUT ACTUALLY there were many many other voices constantly reminding us "gas is $5 or $6 a gallon in Europe" and "they're paying $5 and $6 a gallon in Europe" and "Europeans are used to paying $5 or $6 a gallon for gas" etc. etc. ad nauseum.

The so-called economic "recovery" along the housing market and unemployment and all that should come to a boil-over relatively soon, with President Barack Obama right in the path of the fallout (Betcha Hillary is glad she lost the nomination now!)...

Speaking of government, what happened to those "strategic reserves" and have you ever noticed that whenever gas goes through this crisis mode, "strategic reserves" get mentioned, and then as time passes, they're not brought up again?

And what happened to those 70mpg Honda Insights? You know, the cute little hybrids that looked like vacuum cleaners? Were they persuaded out of existence the way GM got rid of the EV2's (and conspired to ruin the nation's light rail system)?

Watch out for the double-dip!

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