Top Entrecard Droppers For March 2011

Far far far more important is the second of the following two charts!

See those five blogs that gave me back the most clicks (visitors)??? I didn't spend more than 384 EC Credits on any single one! In fact, I bought most of my ads for 64 ec, by carefully monitoring the ad rate son the blogs I wanted my widget to appear on, much the same way an ebay devotee watches the bidding!

One problem encountered by many blogs on the EC system is that of a high bounce rate! Blogger Big Daddy Richard shares stats for Lainyonline: "Compared with the overall internet population, the site's audience tends to be users who browse from home; they are also disproportionately low-income women between the ages of 45 and 65 who have more children. About 73% of visits to the site consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces)."

Hmmm... Big Daddy got his stats from Alexa. But if you look at the Lainyblog, you can see it is not the least bit likely to appeal to the kind of readership Alexa would have you think! (You can't always trust Alexa!)
Some of the blogs selling EC ads for more than 1000 EC's (you know the ones) that I advertised on during March failed to pull in more than 2 visitors! And here's the REAL DEAL: of the 33 widget-to-my blog visits from the Orgasmic Chef, 19 of those visitors have come back at least three more times since their initial visit to my blog! Compare that against an ad I once ran on - let's call it 'Blog X' - that cost me 1048 ecs and brought me 12 visitors (that was in January) of which NONE have ever come back!

The BOTTOM LINE ::: BE smart when you advertise on EC!

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