Now that you're gone...

Now that Michelle Malkin has left Seattle to pick up the broken pieces of her life (her cousin Marizela Perez, as of this writing, is still missing), the locals are spewing venom: raking MM over the coals on just about every front on every topic imaginable before the online audience at

All thanks to a post that appeared on the mainstream Seattle Weekly site, allegedly written by a Curtis Cartier.

A very unflattering picture of MM appears with the post. I've posted a nice one for you. And if you hover and click you'll see where it originated.

Hmmmm... wonder if Cartier is the author of the one of the anti-Michelle Malkin blogs (maybe Cartier GHOSTwrites for one or more of them!)

There must be a list of "talking points" for anti-Malkinites posted somewhere that the haters all go to!

Now if you or someone you know is anywhere near Milwaukee, here's an excerpt from an e-mail dispatched by the Marquette College Republicans:

The MUCRs have confirmed political pundit, author, and blogger Michelle Malkin will speak on campus Monday, April 11th at 7:00 pm followed by a book signing. This event is being supported by the MU Student Activities Fund as well as Young America’s Foundations Reagan 100 Speaker Series. Tickets are available in the Brooks Lounge on the first floor of the Alumni Memorial Union (1442 Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee). There is a limit of two tickets per person. The MUCRs are very excited about this event and to host another New York Times Bestseller this academic year. In November, Global Warming Expert Christopher Horner spoke to a crowd at Marquette.
Michelle’s blog is here. Like all conservative women, she is the sort of person liberals love to hate. MSNBC’s Keith Olberman once referred to her as a “mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick.”

Says the Mu-Warrior Blog: "Anybody who elicits such a deranged response from Oberman is worth seeing..."

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