He Solves His Own Problems, Too!
Getting ready for a little "spring cleaning" here on my humble little weblog!
I'm always fascinated by the various ways my blog displays on different browsers. Internet Explorer totally screws everything up: if you are viewing this blog with IE, you must have tweaked it just right to see all of the elements correctly.
MY FAVOURITE BROWSER is FLOCK! (And now I'm glad I kept my 2-column layout: here's why!) When I'm on FLOCK I can see my twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn feeds in the right pane! And there's my blog, nestled comfortably on the left!I have injected a new cache system for faster loading, and of course there's the multi-view scenario courtesy blog*spot HQ, which may possibly help dial-up netizens load my blog faster!
Unfortunately, you'll still have to jump through a few hoops to leave comments! Would you believe the spam commenters STILL leave them, even though they know they're gonna get deleted? LOL!
By the way, if you read this blog, and you don't like my opinions, feel free to not read it.