Analog Social Networking with Professionals in the City

Who knows? Maybe we'll meet in person and share a New Year DC moment!

What if facebook were to suddenly close up shop? (It could happen!) Would Linked-In step in to fill the void? I don't really think so, because LinkedIn plays to a very targeted professional niche. So if you alreaady belong to either facebook, LinkedIn, or both, there's a social network that you can avail yourself of which operates in the real world, as opposed to the virtual ones.

Established by Michael Karlan, Professionals in the City is a vast social and networking organization. The group has more than 200,000 members, offering a wide variety of events across the major cities served, which include Baltimore, Washinton DC, Boston, Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia. A typical event ranges from as few as 20 attendees to more than 2,000.

Now, although the group does host some singles events, it is not a singles club or organization. Many people prefer to attend the events alone, while others are joined by friends, spouses, significant others, or with people they have met at previous Professionals in the City events.

If you go through the website you'll see a lot of dates for events in the future. The time to plan for your fun and successful future is NOW! For example, how many times have you said to yourself while watching New Year's Eve celebrations on TV "I'm gonna be there next year." Have you thought of doing New Years Eve Washinton DC style? YOU can make it happen!

Professionals in the City has planned events to welcome in 2012

Membership is a breeze! All you have to do is sign up once to receive thier weekly emails. From then on, membership is free and you will be kept up-to-date on all the wonderful opportunities being planned in your area.

And you can be a member at your own preference or "comfort level" --- they have different groups covering different age ranges. The core group is comprised of individuals primarily between the ages of 25 and 45, but theye also hold separate events for people ages 21 to 29 and for people ages 35 and up. The company website notes "The age ranges are simply suggested parameters to help you find the group most suitable for you and the events that you will feel most comfortable attending."

Tag: DC New Years EVE

Category: Society & Culture

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