Whether you’re developing a small alternative income stream through blogging, or running your own freelance business, or something in the middle, you need a way to keep track of it.

Blogging isn't like a tidy job that pays you every 2 weeks or so and gives you a handy slip at the end of the year telling you exactly what you earned. If you want to file your taxes properly and if you want to know just how much you earned last month, the ball is in your court.

To help manage all that, blogger Mrs. Micah created three handy spreadsheets. The first is best-suited to bloggers or others who are tracking advertising income (or anything with a comparatively limited number of sources and strong repetition). The second is better for freelancers working on project-by-project gigs. Truth is, a lot of folks could probably use both! So there’s a third sheet which simply combines the two into one file.

Click on the images in each section {Here's the target page} to view a full-size screenshot.

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