Doctors warn Zsa Zsa Gabor very bad situation
Zsa Zsa Gabor's doctors have warned her husband that her condition is "really bad".
"She survived pneumonia three times in the last five months. That's almost a miracle. But the doctors tell me, 'At that age you have to be prepared every minute that the woman won't survive these surgeries.' This time it's really bad."Frederic admitted he is unsure of the best course of treatment for his wife and wishes he could talk to her to ask for some advice.
The 94-year-old screen legend fell into a coma yesterday (18.05.11) after she was rushed to a Los Angeles hospital for emergency stomach surgery on Tuesday night (17.05.11) and although she is now slipping in and out of consciousness, her husband Prince Frederic von Anhalt has been told by her doctors to expect the worst.
He told Germany's BUNTE magazine: "Today was the saddest and most horrible day in the last five years. My wife needed an emergency surgery last night and falls into coma again and again. Sometimes she's awake for 10 minutes, then again she's gone for several hours. The doctors say that this is nothing special at her age but it's sad to watch that.

He said: "They [the doctors] asked me, 'What shall we do? Minimum treatment, medium or maximum? Do you want your wife to live on?' And I look like an idiot and say, 'Of course we give her the right treatment because I can't just decide over her life.'
"I would never say, 'Shutdown [the machines]!' It was 25 years ago that we promised each other that we will take care of each other - till the end. But what shall I do? I don't know what she wants. I can't talk to her, I just can hope that this all is right."