Don't Assume!

South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu walked by a construction site on a temporary sidewalk the width of one person. A white man appeared at the other end, recognized Tutu, and said, "I don't make way for gorillas." At which Tutu stepped aside, made a deep sweeping gesture, and said, "Ah, yes, but I do." ~ Walter Wink

I've gotten into some hot water with a few bloggers for printing the truth! I sincerely apologize for any misunderstandings! I had a run-in a couple of years ago with a ladyblogger after having trouble getting past a pop-up advert on her webpage (whether she knew it was there or not)...

"we could have been friends - we might have been able to figure out where that advert came from - there have been several blogs in the entrecard network that have been re-directing because there is a sneaky way hackers can insert hostile scripts into blog templates (WordPress blogs are especially vulnerable, as are some "new Blogger" blogs that use 3rd party templates."
Most bloggers would be HAPPY to find there was a problem on their site... not this one! The same blogger was also p.o.'d when I mentioned in a different post testing loading speeds of various websites on dial-up that her blog loaded quite slowly. You'd have thought I burned her house down, judging from her reaction!

Now I have another run-in happening with a blogger who apparently WANTS her target audience to be low-income women between 45 and 65. I would have thought (by looking at) her blog (that it) was targeted toward young, modern, computer-savvy women between 18-30!!!

Here's what I reported, in an article about Entrecard memberships ::: " One problem encountered by many blogs on the EC system is that of a high bounce rate! Blogger Big Daddy Richard shares stats for Lainyonline: "Compared with the overall internet population, the site's audience tends to be users who browse from home; they are also disproportionately low-income women between the ages of 45 and 65 who have more children. About 73% of visits to the site consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces)."


Hmmm... Big Daddy got his stats from Alexa. But if you look at the Lainyblog, you can see it is not the least bit likely to appeal to the kind of readership Alexa would have you think! (You can't always trust Alexa!)
So, I'm in Lainy's latrine, I reckon! Oh well, life goes on...

Blogger WAYNE JOHN writes that he's amused when he reads "how bloggers talk about the anchor tag (that’s the link tag for those that don’t know) and the possible nofollow attribute that can be added, and when they say that you should always do one or the other." John says It doesn’t matter one lick to Google what you mark as nofollow or dofollow!

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