Power Blogger Program FREE! Get More Comments On Your Blog...


A young blogger figured this out years ago... why haven't YOU?

And, guess what?
You can get this for $150 a month $5 one time payment!

Are are you a frustrated blogger?
♦ You've been blogging for so long yet you find it hard to break in to your niche
♦ You've read all the blogging tips ebook yet can't find the perfect formula
♦ You've been through some "purchasing disasters" and didn't get your money's worth
♦ You've drowned yourself on the internet but to no success
♦ You've been wanting to change all that just just CAN'T

Why many methods don't just work
The problem with other blogging ebooks and training program's is that they are CHEATING on you. Liane Youngblogger figured this out when she was just a teenager!

She discovered that every time a blogger purchased an e-book, or received a training method, thousands of other bloggers were getting THE EXACTSAME thing.

Yes, they might be telling you that you're going to receive your UNFAIR advantage, but in reality, everyone is receiving the same unfair advantage. In the end, EVERYBODY KNOWS THE SAME TRICKS. People come to a dead end where they all wallow in similar knowledges and ideas that just turn out to be a replicate of the others.

Liane discovered that many bloggers who wanted to break in to the success level by enrolling themselves on all kinds of programs, never got to the C-list, let alone the A-list.

Here are the usual reasons:

♦ Ebooks and traning programs are all pre-written; they don't cater directly to your needs but to the general needs.
♦ Most of them are just products of hyped-up sensational marketing. Their main target? Your money.
♦ Yes, they might be giving you their methods but afterwards, you're left all alone
♦ You've just been reading about the same thing over and over again.

What's the point in paying for things you already know? Lianne says, forget about high-priced trainings, forget about yet another ebook, and most of all, forget signing up to some random newsletter in a vain attempt to get something while actually falling into a marketer's trap.

The Solution?

Get An Expert That Will Personally Tell You What Needs To Be Done and How It Needs To Be Done. In Short, Get A Blog Critic...

Our friend Liane came up with this idea long ago. But she eventually stopped the service when she SOLD her own blog for BIG BUCKS! Think about THAT! SHE CASHED OUT BIG TIME! What a loss for the blogosphere! Now, think about creating and developing an amazing blog that will have individuals and corporations scrambling to BUY YOUR BLOG! It is NOT beyond your capability! Liane DID it! If she can, YOU can!

How Does My System Work?

I'm doing this a little bit differently than the way Liane did. I've kept it simple fairly simple, following Liane's model in that the only goal is to analyze your blog and your skills an give you a personalized report that will tell you "what needs to be done and how it should be done". I'll also read 5 posts on your blog and give you back 5 sincere comments!

Here, you will be receiving
1 an honest, point-blank report about your blog
2 a complete blog analysis that will tell you what's wrong, or right
3 comments on 5 of your articles
4 tutorials, tips, tricks and the best resources
5 additional consultation at a pre-negotiated price

#5 is new - my idea - for those who would like longer-term interaction to help develop their blog. If you like what I do for you intially and are serious about blogging, I'll help you at a mutually agreed fee IF I have time to squeeze you into my busy schedule... I already have two jobs, I lecture and teach a blogging class already!

The Final Consideration, Value's Worth

Liane liked keeping things straight and simple. Ditto for me! I have GIVEN AWAY the popular "BLOGGING CLASS" series right here on my humble weblog! As much as I would love to GIVE this Blog Critique away, I'm using MY TIME to help you in this special program, so the $5 fee is really just a "token" and helps me keep my internet turned on! That's a bargain already considering the OUTRAGEOUS prices that others charge (even if they have minimal skills!)

How My Program Works 1-2-3!

1. Click the order now paypal button. You will be redirected to a secured site.
2. In the paypal secure form, write your contact details (for email and chat).
3. I’ll get in touch as soon as possible and we’ll begin!

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