Sir Anthony Hopkins Flustered By Macpherson Audition Kiss
Sir Anthony Hopkins was larboard red faced during auditions for 1997 cine The Edge back Elle Macpherson foolishly kissed him in a bid to acreage a arch role.

She explains, "I've fabricated a brace of movies forth the way and there was one cine casting with Anthony Hopkins, he was arena my husband, and there's absolutely an age aberration amid us and they (producers) said, 'OK, we absolutely accept to feel that you two are connected', and so they said (at auditions), 'We appetite to feel like you're absolutely affectionate with anniversary other'. I didn't apperceive what to do; they said, 'Why don't you kiss him?'
"I didn't apperceive if you're declared to kiss with the tongue, after the tongue, so I affective him and I kissed him, and I anticipation if I absolutely wanna do this, I more good do the argot thing, accomplish it believable. He went so red, he was flustered. I got the job though!"