Anyone For Bowser?

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Pups are on the menu in Baguio City!

THIS shocking menu is where half million dogs a year end up after being snatched off the streets and illegally killed in the Philippines.

British-based non-profit organization Network For Animals is trying to put a stop to dogmeat as a human food source: “Particularly popular is pulutan, a dog meat bar snack. Another very popular dish is deep fried dog paws, known as ‘spare parts’...It was bizarre and surreal to see what we regard as man’s best friend and a pet regarded as legitimate food.”

In last week’s Sunday Express phone poll more than 3,000 ­people demanded an end to the cruel practice.

Network For Animals’ online petition can be signed at ­

NFA is also asking people to contact the Philippines Embassy. You can write the embassy at 6-8 Suffolk Street, London SW1Y 4HG; call: 020 7451 1800 or email

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