Build Me A Woman

This is off the chart, peeps! Yes, you can now get your jollies with Ms. Roboto (well, she's not really a robot, although I can see that coming - no pun intended!)

More fun than a mail-order bride, [NSFW link ] you can pick and choose eye colour, hair style - a la "BUILD A BARE" the fake ladies are in demand in China, of all places! Go figure!

[NSFW high res photos by photographer Zackary Canepari were posted last year on his blog documenting his visit to the RealDoll factory].

Perhaps Japanese robotics scientists could be called in for a collaboration? After all, they've been building women for more than a couple of years now... just a thought!

Girls, just so you don't feel left out, you can always make sef-adjustments - rebuild yourselves! (Before the robo-babes take your men away!)

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