Casey Anthony Has Been Released From a Florida Jail

As a cameraman you see a sign of relief. You see obviously, She is not intense. She has a relief. There is a smile, but not a very bright smile. But there is a sigh of Glad to be out of there. Like I said, she said ‘thank you’ to the SRT Sergeant. Who escorted her out,
Witnesses saw Anthony, who had been acquitted on July 5 of culpability in Caylee's death, exit escorted by guards wearing bullet-proof vests and carrying rifles, and stepped into a black SUV a few minutes after midnight. The Orange County Jail later confirmed her release.

A crowd of 300 had been waiting since midafternoon Saturday for Anthony's release, and many rushed into the street to follow the vehicle as she was driven away, briefly blocking the eastbound lanes of a six-lane road before police cleared them away.

A large police presence included the sheriff's mobile command center, five horse-mounted officers and at least 20 uniformed officers on foot, many wearing bullet-proof vests. Three news helicopters hovered overhead.

Since her acquittal, Anthony's future after three years in jail has been the subject of much speculation, but with no publicly known facts beyond her jail departure date.

Anthony's trial revealed gruesome details of Caylee's death and the disposal of the toddler's remains in trash bags in swampy woods. The trial brought out evidence of Casey Anthony relishing her life, partying and shopping, after Caylee died.

Casey Anthony's Brother and Parents had testified at the widely telecast trial. Her lawyer Mr. Baez acknowledged her outward lack of emotion over the death was bizarre.

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