Malaysia Demontration 900 More People Were Arrested - Photo

Malaysia, thousands of people gathered at a stadium to demand the reform of the general election on Saturday, July 9, 2011. The action was initiated by opposition parties on Saturday afternoon was the culmination of the weak government under Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak, in carrying out the selection process fair, prudent and transparent.
As quoted from, a coalition of community action, named the 'Coalition of Clean'. In the action, carrying the flag, Malaysian security forces tried to disperse the crowds who were protesting by spraying tear gas at them. Some Malaysian activists seen running to avoid sprays and even some of them tried to cover his nose with a towel. And reportedly over 900 people, security officials detained in Malaysia's biggest demonstrations in the country. Of that amount, there is the name of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's daughter, namely Nurul Hana, and a number of leaders Se-Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS), such as Mohamad Sabu, Salahuddin Ayub, and Datuk Mahfuz Omar.
And also reported a number of demonstrators were injured, and also including Anwar Ibrahim. He suffered gunshot wounds result from exposure to tear gas.

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