NetActive 6 July 2011

Malaysia::: Online reactions to Bersih 2.0 rally

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The planned street rally this weekend in Malaysia known as Bersih 2.0 will now take place inside a stadium. Netizens continue to discuss the impact of Bersih as the movement gathers momentum throughout the country

CUBA ::: The first meeting of users of the social network Twitter was celebrated in Havana on July 1 at 4:00 pm at 23rd and 12th of the Vedado district and in the Pabellón Cuba. The event hosted almost 100 people, mostly young journalism students, administrators, professors, journalists and bloggers. Netizens reflect and comment on the exciting and controversial event.

AFRICA ::: Zimbabwean women bloggers and Facebook users have taken up new media platforms to discuss everything from their sexuality to unpacking women's role in politics and the economy.

SERBIA ::: 44,000 Serbs have joined the Facebook group 'Boycott of Chelsea Handler until she apologizes to the Serbian people,' demanding an apology from the popular American female comedian for the offensive remarks she made about the Serbian nation during a television show. Sasa Milosevic reports.

TECH TIP OF THE WEEK ::: How to Stop People Tagging You in Facebook
The simple way to remove the tag from a photo is to, browse that photo and find your profile name. Use Ctrl+F and type your Facebook profile name. This will highlight your name and find the link “Remove Tag” near your name. Click on that link. Done. You have removed the tag successfully.

But this not something you should do regularly. So you need to change the privacy setting. So that people can’t tag you in their photos any more... click here for the complete article

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