Righthaven vs. The Blogosphere

Blogging With No Crutches ::: A lot of long-time bloggers (Steve Rubel immediately comes to mind) have been embarking on quests to set their blogs and blogging habits free. Or I Gues what they really want is to remain popular but not tethered to their blogs as they are now, a la ball-and-chain.

The One Minute Blogger (WordPress) comes close to what I'd like to achieve. My experimental blog on the tumblr platform even more so.

Which of the "top three" - Blogger, WordPress or tumblr, do you think has the best chance of being deleted or taken down? Comments are open for your remarks.

Let's take a brief look at Entrecard ::: I see a lot of people dropping out or criticizing the EC program. You shouldn't rush to eliminate your EC or adgitize widget. Take a look at your visitor statistics. Here is a screenshot of mine from June. Of the "returning visitors" approx. HALF swooped in and out dropping on my ec widget. No worries there! (Of course on days when my advert is being displayed across some of the more popular blogs in the EC system, like for example, Seek No More or The Ad Master, those numbers can shoot up into triple digits!)
Stop, Go, Blog! ::: Protect your blog from litigation (and attract a bigger following) by providing original content!

I realize that we bloggers cannot always 100% of the time do that.

TIP ::: Using Images: do not use copyrighted images without the permission of the author. Thumbnails, however, tend to be considered “fair use” under the Copyright Law.

Many bloggers copy images and text around the Internet thinking that in the worst of the cases they will receive a take down notice from the author and remove the material from the website. The removal of the copyrighted material will not remove the copyright infringement at all. Should the author decide to go after you in count you will be in trouble all the same. [1]

Not all bloggers are aware of the fact that they do not own the comments that are posted on their blogs. Once a person publishes a comment on your blog he or she will be the copyright holder of it. You can solve this issue by having a “Terms of Service” section on your blog. [2]

BE VERY CAREFUL when commenters leave whole articles or lyrics to poular songs on your blog! while the people commenting on your blog will retain the ownership of the content you might still be liable if they commit intellectual property violations.

In June 2011, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved S. 978, a bill that would expand the scope of felony criminal copyright infringement under federal law. While the legislation enjoys broad congressional support, a number of bloggers have slammed the bill on the grounds that it would allegedly impose criminal liability on lots of innocent U.S. Internet users.

Bblogger Luke Pelican answers a few “Frequently Asked Questions” about the legislation — and explains how he monitors infringement of his own online content, as well as how he advises clients to do the same.

Of course, content thieves in places like Malaysia and India will continue stealing and scraping --- or will they? Word's out Google will suspend adsense and cripple PR of any Malaysian blog guilty of content theft!

CAUTION! DANGER! ::: http://righthavenvictims.blogspot.com/

This is interesting. Righthaven going after people who used an image in a parody or criticism. Parody has a long history and numerous court precedences that put it square in the realm of not only fair use but free speech especially in the realm of political speech. Righthaven owns the copyright to an image of a TS agent touching the junk of a passenger. A website owner used this image to criticize the TSA’s handling of airport screeners.

Righthaven has to know this and will surely lose in court but again they are not about fighting the merits of any case but to get settlements.

It is interesting also that the Denver Post’s website where the photo can still be viewed it says nothing about Righthaven being the copyright owner, infact Denver Post still claims copyright. Sounds like there is some deception here. I would leave a link but I will not link to the Denver Post.

WIRED.COM ::: Righthaven Loss: Judge Rules Reposting Entire Article Is Fair Use

John Sealander

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