"Charlie Sheen is Dead" VIRUS

#delete If you see this link Anywhere : DO NOT CLICK ON IT "Charlie Sheen Dead in His Room - Exclusive Video"

A new lease on life for the old facebook virus! It uses your Facebook account to perpetuate itself and potentially install malware onto your hard drive... and now some versions are able to insert a small file onto your smartphone! It is difficult to locate and hasn't caused any trouble anyone knows of --- yet!

Message to the Minds

Here's a comment I left on the Blazing Minds blog:

Karen, I tweeted a warning out about this yesterday, and when I saw the headline for your article I was glad you jumped on it - until I read your article.

You are usually very savvy about internet stuff - this Charlie Sheen is Dead thing dates back to May, although the newest threat attached to it involves smartphone technology.

Your readers should know that if see any of this "Charlie Sheen is Dead' stuff on twitter, facebook or anyplace else, they need to AVOID it like the plague - because it IS the plague!

Click on one of the CSID links with an iPhone and PRESTO you have a VIRUS on your iPhone or Android! You won't be able to find it, and so far it hasn't done anything...

If you are on Facebook and click through CSID, you will need to check your news feed and make sure you aren't spamming the message to your friends. If you are, you need to remove the item from your wall by clicking the small "x" in the top right hand corner of the post.

Be sure to join the Facecrooks page on Facebook to stay updated on current security issues.

Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.

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