Three Social Media Tips (Highlighted in RED)

Blogger Frank Dickinson put up a post entitled Three Social Media Mistakes And How To Fix Them... If you don't want to read the entire post, here are a few fine points, along with my comments.

FRANK: If you would not want someone coming to your “hub” and throwing up their feet on your coffee table and acting like ol’ asshole Uncle Ernie – why would you go to another bloggers’ hub and act the same way?

Blog commenting (which some have mainstreamed as blog hopping) is all about being social (yep – more on that in a sec) with your fellow blogger neighbors. It is about contributing, enhancing, developing.

It is not about taking, promoting and getting all jiggy with your wants and desires.

Do I enter my website when I leave a comment? Do I use CommentLuv when it is available on a blog?

Yes – you bet your ass I do."

ME: I don't need to use cusswords to say I will comment on a blog whether it has comment luv or not. I will comment on a blog if it doesn't display my link.

FRANK: We are all tempted to join up with the newest wizz bang phenomenon that is ready to take Social Media by storm. The newest craze comes on like a hot chick in a short skirt and lasts about as long as Aunt Gertrude in her flannel PJ’s. But, by god, we are going to join it!

Every time you do that you contribute to your Goggle (SP) paper trail.

ME : I don't think people pay all that much attention to the "paper trail" as you describe it! I joined twitter and facebook when they were brand spankin' new and forgot all about 'em - until the day they were 'hot" and I went to sign up and found I already had an account WITH THE EXACT NAME I WANTED! Rejoice!

FRANK: Social Media is about being social. It is about relationships, engagement and interaction. It is all about being a real person in a real way with other real people and their real life concerns, desires, needs and dreams.

Let me just say it straight out – if you cannot have a decent, respectful, engaging conversation with your next door neighbor and then translate that over to Social Media – heaven help you.

We don’t “do” Social Media as bloggers. We are a part of a HUGE community and we should treat each other like community members.

ME : The Blog neighborhood is not a Communist "Utopia" - just as disagreements in real life are part of analog life, they appear in digital life as well! You gotta deal with it, baby!

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