Remove Windows Stability Center FREE

Wondering where those Entrecard viruses originate? Romania!

What is known as "an injected script" (LizaMoon) redirects visitors to a rogue AV site, which tries to get people to install a fake anti-virus program called Windows Stability Center.

Windows Stability Center was created to scare you into thinking your computer has a severe security problem so that you will then purchase this program. For no reason should you purchase Windows Stability Center , and if you already have, you should contact your credit card company and dispute the charges stating that the program is a computer infection.

If you've tried to Google up directions to get rid of this annoyance, you've noticed all the "helpful" sites are trying to SELL you removal tools! They're just as bad as the virus creators! Who knows, maybe they're all in on it together!

Take a look at my concise instructions for removing the Palladium Anti-Virus. The same procedure works against Windows Stability Center!

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