Bill Clinton Paunch?

Here's a photo of President Bill Clinton taken on Memorial Day. Looks like he's gained a little weight. Hope you're taking care of yourself, President Clinton!
Here's a snapshot from a long, long time ago!

Bill and Hillary were married on October 11, 1975 in Fayetteville, Arkansas. the rest is history!


How to Identify B.S. Blog Articles

Looking for solid, honest blogging and social networking advice that's FREE with nothing to download, nothing to subscribe to, no crazy popup screens to get past? I've put my entire course "THE BLOGGING CLASS" online in one easy-to-use collection. Go visit The One Minute Blogger!
If you're like me, you've probably had it "up to here" with know-it-all "guru" bloggers, writing a bunch of crap so they can either win a contest or sell you something like an eBook or a "system" or maybe even some software!

Here's what to watch out for:

  • Content is king (or Content is NOT king)
  • Blogs giving bad or poorly researched advice
  • 5 or 10 or 20 "Essential Twitter Tips"
  • The best time of day to post on your blog
  • How to Get Tons of Blog Comments (written on a blog that gets zero comments)
...and this one is my personal favourite:
  • How to make money with affiliate marketing (by someone who barely makes any money doing affiliate marketing)
Bloggers: AVOID "affiliate marketing" at all costs! Scroll down to read comments on this one!
All of the above were discussed in a May 09 2011 post on The Blogging Bookshelf. The article has racked up 129 comments of the very best kind! [See my upcoming post about having too many comments on your blog, coming soon! Check back everyday until it posts!]

Blog Engage Blog Forum and Blogging Community, Free Blog Submissions and Blog Traffic, Blog Directory, Article Submissions, Blog Traffic

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Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.


NetActive 31 May 2011

COVER GIRLS!Nicki Minaj & Rihanna!

Music blogger Roberto Carreño lists “5 great moments of Chilean hip-hop” [es]. He includes a brief description and a video of each song.

Is the Drudge Report Drumming up race wars? The Trough (and the rest of us) want to know!

Martha Rivera Alanis, the teacher who sang to her students during a shooting in Monterrey, México was given an award for her bravery. In an interview with Regioblogs [es], Martha describes what happened before, during and after the shooting. She explains she decided to sing to the children to try to drown out the noise from the shoot-out.

The Man Who Had HIV and Now Does Not ::: Four years ago, Timothy Brown underwent an innovative procedure. Since then, test after test has found absolutely no trace of the virus in his body. The bigger miracle, though, is how his case has experts again believing they just might find a cure for AIDS.

Oh how I love these Nike Just Do It Ads! I remember these from years ago! Inspiration for the soul!

Want to improve your blog's effectiveness? Here are 10 tactics to use as the basis of your blog marketing plan to achieve your firm's goals based on three jam-packed days spent at BlogWorld Expo New York.

AT&T-T-Mobile: AT&T faces growing opposition to its $39 billion takeover of T-Mobile USA, as competitors, state regulators and elected officials have expressed concerns in recent days over the proposed deal with Deutsche Telekom. [WSJ]


Prince William and Kate will visit Canada and Montreal...

Kate and William's decided to go ahead with their visit to Canada and they will come to Montreal on July 2. 2011. The exact route is yet to come.
A couple groups have promised to demonstrate against the monarchy which complicates the preparation of the organizers. For his part, Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper promised during the royal wedding to provide the young couple with camping equipment to help them to better appreciate Canada. A question asked by some: Will Pippa be on the trip?
Stay tuned!

Photo 1,2,3 : Prince William and Kate ;

Photo 4: Pippa;
Photo 5: Canadian Tire's tent ;


Genette Cordova is back on twitter!

She can hardly believe it herself...

Dan Collins, on the Weiner Scandal ::: “Strangely enough, most women bloggers don’t seem to want to touch this thing.”

Except maybe for Little Miss Attila... Hmmm, nothing on Michelle Malkin...


#musicmonday Beatles Soul

Most of the time, I absolutely hate re-makes. If you wanna do someone else's material, you'd better do a damn good job!

"To me this is the best kind of remake. You don't simply make a copy of the original. That's just lazy and disrespectful to the original artist. To take an admired song and do an interpretation that shows the song in a completely different light, yet sounds good too, makes it interesting and worthy of the original. Best of all, it 's not a competition- each can be admired on their own merits."


LinkedIn or LinkedOUT?

As one who keeps an eye on the global financial market and the US Stock Market, I've been following the LinkedIn IPO... I'll be watching the stock this week, and possibly "buying in."

You know LinkedIn - if you're a "professional" (whatever that is) you are probably registered and maybe active on the LinkedIn social network, which generated buzz when it went public. But people far more immersed in the world of finance than I seem to have reservations and warnings when it comes to LinkedIn:

Carla Fried blogs on

Even if you are clued into the downside of chasing after initial public offerings, and you were content to watch from the sidelines last week as LinkedIn’s IPO more than doubled in its first day of trading, your portfolio could soon face more risk courtesy of LinkedIn.

The relative merits of LinkedIn as an investment, whether it be at its IPO price of $45, or its close (as of Friday) at $93, is somewhat beside the point... will be interesting to see if a string of more eye-popping IPO debuts sets off a broader — yes, here it comes — stock market bubble led by the tech sector. A reprise of the 1990s tech bubble is certainly the story line that emerged after LinkedIn’s one-day double. And it was on Larry Summers’ radar the day after the LinkedIn IPO.
A similar story over at the Wall Street Journal, where Dave Kansas thinks of LinkedIn as "an IPO that popped, then fizzled."
"Hype surrounds a hot offering, such as LinkedIn, and the details of the ensuing months are covered more episodically. Folks move on to the next hot IPO -- last week, a Russian Internet company, Yandex ("The Russian Google"), grabbed headlines with a hot offering. Its shares soared 40% on opening day.

With the success of LinkedIn and Yandex, other companies are busily huddling with lawyers and bankers to get in line for their own IPO. Big names out there include Facebook, of course, but also Groupon, Zynga and LivingSocial.

Anything that can fit into the Social Network/Internet box now looks like a hot ticket. But as my own experience can attest, the markets are fickle. Bankers talk about "the window," meaning the period when the market will gobble up certain offerings. Windows, by definition, open -- and close."
Kansas goes on to detail his own experience being involved in and part of an IPO - you can read that here.

Blog Engage Blog Forum and Blogging Community, Free Blog Submissions and Blog Traffic, Blog Directory, Article Submissions, Blog Traffic

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Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.


Hail The Mail

Here's an interesting article I chanced upon over the holiday weekend:

According to Online Journalism News, The Mail Online could become the most popular news website in the world as bosses predict 70 million unique users will be reported for May.

(Take a look at the headlines on the sample above ::: everybody luvs gossip!)

In March the Mail Online overtook the Huffington Post to become the world's second most read news website. I can't find anyplace where it names the first... although I think it must be Drudge (if they consider Drudge a news site?)


Ten Die As 'Killer Cucumber' Outbreak Spreads

The world's better beginning of a baleful anatomy of E.coli bacilli has claimed addition activity as it continues to advance beyond Europe.
Health admiral say the virus, believed to accept originated from amoebic cucumbers alien from Spain , has dead 10 bodies and adulterated hundreds added in Germany.
The epicentre of the beginning has been in the country's arctic with added than 270 bodies application the ache in contempo weeks - four times the accustomed anniversary amount of about 60.
Three cases accept additionally been appear in Britain , a added 25 in Sweden and seven in Denmark.
In Austria there accept been two cases, while the Netherlands and Switzerland accept anniversary had one doubtable case.
All of the cases are accepted to accept been affiliated with biking to Germany.
Experts said the beginning of hemolytic-uremic affection (HUS), which affects the blood, kidneys and, in astringent cases, the afraid system, was the better anytime in Germany - and the better of its affectionate worldwide.
An 86-year-old woman was the most recent victim of the bug afterwards she died in the University Hospital Luebeck on Saturday.
Her bedmate is amid about 70 patients actuality brash for the bacilli at the arctic Germany hospital, whose doctors say they apprehend to see 10 fresh cases a day in the advancing weeks.
Health admiral accept brash bodies in afflicted areas in Europe to abstain bistro cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce.
Some of these articles accept been removed from boutique shelves.
But the Food Standards Agency has accepted that the behind cucumbers accept not been on auction at any outlets in the UK.


Lockheed's cyber cops sift through hacker evidence

The U.S. government and Lockheed, the world's better aggressive architect and the Pentagon's No. 1 supplier, accept said the alien hackers did not appropriate any acute advice in the May 21 attack, but government and industry experts are still alive excitedly to abstract the origins of the attack.
Lockheed, which is additionally the U.S. government's better advice technology provider, opened the 25,000-square-foot, $17 actor centermost in 2008. It opened a sister armpit in Denver aftermost year to advice accord with the growing workload and booty over if the capital centermost is agape off line.
Dozens of awful accomplished analysts assignment at the centermost in Gaithersburg, Maryland, area blooming plants and a Feng Shui-styled adornment allure visitors to a accessible accord amplitude that looks like a high-tech university campus.
The absolute work, though, goes on in a large, dimly lit centralized aegis centermost alone accessible to analytical personnel. Flickering wall-sized collapsed screens continuously amend action on Lockheed's behemothic common computer arrangement while ecology abstracts transmissions by 126,000 advisers and outsiders aggravating to get admission to the system.
A Aegis Department spokeswoman, Air Force Lieutenant Colonel April Cunningham, said on Saturday that the Pentagon was alive with Lockheed to barometer the ambit of the attack.
Some top aegis admiral were on armpit aftermost anniversary to appraise the added impact, a aegis official, who requested anonymity, told Reuters on Thursday.
Just two weeks ago, Lockheed advertised for a "lead computer argumentative examiner" for the center, adage it bare addition who could assignment in a fast paced environment, accepted "attack signatures, tactics, techniques and procedures associated with avant-garde threats," and was able to "reverse architect antagonist encoding protocols."
Lockheed builds avant-garde satellites, fighter jets and argosy for the U.S. military, but additionally provides advice technology casework to the Justice Department, Federal Aviation Administration, Social Aegis Administration, and added federal agencies. It alike ran the most recent U.S. civic census, which is alone conducted already a decade, for the government.
Seeking to recruit the best cyber analysts on the market, Lockheed aftermost year appear a YouTube video, which portrays the cyber aegis botheration as a circuitous chess match, or a adult war game, amid U.S. government and industry on one side, and a host of acute attackers from nation states and bent groups on the other.
"It is a cat-and abrasion bold amid the two sides," Eric Hutchins, a Lockheed cyber intelligence analyst, told Reuters during a appointment to the centermost in March 2010. "They're consistently aggravating to advance fresh means of advancing us and we're consistently aggravating to advance fresh means of arresting us."
Hitchens said Lockheed analysts candy 1 actor "incidents" a day, allocation through the "white noise" to analyze accessible attacks and acceptable targets.
Another analyst featured in the Lockheed video compared his assignment to that of "CSI-style" detectives in advertence to abomination arena board who focus on argumentative affirmation and accept been affected by the CSI accumulation of TV shows. "We go appropriate to the arena of the abomination and we attending for affirmation of the attack," he said.
It says they use techniques far above annihilation accessible in the added bartering world.
The video makes the centermost assume like it is out of a cine like "Minority Report", anecdotic hackers as "adversaries," "the enemy" or "bad guys" whose aggression needs to be repelled. It ends with a curl as one argumentative analyst declares: "This is the action we fight."
Cyber experts are now scouring the arrangement to acquisition any "electronic DNA" larboard abaft by the hackers -- time-intensive assignment that may eventually advice define the antecedent of the attack, said one above chief government official.
"Everything leaves cyberbanking DNA if you can acquisition it," said the official, who was not accustomed to allege on the record. "It's like digging for old bones."
Lockheed admiral say they responded about anon to the May 21 attack, which was aboriginal appear by Reuters on Thursday, arresting the accident of any customer, affairs or agent claimed data.
Loren Thompson, a aegis analyst who does consulting assignment for Lockheed and added aggressive contractors, said the advance was "fairly subtle" but it underscored the growing advice aegis challenges adverse the U.S. government and industry, and accurate Lockheed's adeptness to ascertain intrusions.
The abutting analysis is how bound experts will be able to analyze the antecedent of the attack, and in accurate whether it can be traced to a adopted power.


EU probes two U.S.-Asian computer hardware deals

EU regulators opened all-embracing probes on Monday into two takeover bids in the computer accouterments area involving two Asian companies and two U.S. peers, adage it was anxious the deals would abate the cardinal of rivals.
U.S.-based Seagate Technology has said it wants to shop for Samsung Electronics Co's loss-making adamantine deejay drive assemblage for $1.4 billion.
Western Agenda affairs to acquirement Hitachi Ltd's adamantine deejay drive business for $4.3 billion to accord it an bend in developing next-generation accumulator technology.
The European Commission, the EU antagonism watchdog, which is now reviewing the two deals, said it capital to booty a afterpiece look.
"Hard drives are the courage of the agenda economy. The area has already accomplished cogent consolidation, and the proposed acquisitions will added abate competition," Antagonism Commissioner Joaquin Almunia said in a statement.
The EU controlling said the Seagate and Samsung accord would consolidate the U.S. company's position in the adamantine deejay drive market, abrogation alone two rivals, Western Agenda and Hitachi.
The Western Agenda and Hitachi transaction would aftereffect in alone one aggregation aggressive in desktop adamantine deejay drives and aloof two rivals in adaptable adamantine deejay drives, the Commission said.
It will adjudge by October 10 whether to bright or block the two deals. The antecedent borderline for a accommodation on the Seagate and Samsung accord was Monday, while that for Western Agenda and Hitachi was Tuesday.


Australia warns on cyber attacks on resource firms

Australia's government apprenticed companies on Monday to bind acuity over cyber attacks launched adopted adjoin some of the world's more good ability firms and added businesses, admonishing high-tech threats were intensifying.
Lockheed Martin Corp, the U.S. government's top advice technology provider, aloft affair about cyber hacking at the weekend, accusatory of a arrangement of common attacks on it from about the world.
Australian Attorney-General Robert McClelland's comments additionally came afterwards the approachable arch of Australia's more good oil and gas company, Woodside Petroleum, said cyber hacking attacks were now advancing "from everywhere".
"There is no agnosticism that cyber-security threats are acceptable worse," McClelland told Reuters on the sidelines of a cyber aegis appointment in Canberra.
"Without talking about specific incidents, there accept been a cardinal of letters apropos our ability companies," McClelland said.
Outgoing Woodside arch controlling Don Voelte told a business appointment in Perth on Friday that cyber attacks were a above affair in ability assertive Australia, and were not aloof advancing from activity athirst China.
"It comes from everywhere. It comes from eastern Europe; it comes from Russia. Aloof don't aces on the Chinese; it's everywhere," Voelte was quoted as adage in a abode in the Australian bi-weekly on Monday.
Japanese electronics amassed Sony was additionally hit by a aperture involving its PlayStation Arrangement that compromised the claimed abstracts of added than 100 actor customers.
Australia's assembly came beneath cyber advance in February, with the computers of at atomic 10 federal ministers including Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Defence Minister Stephen Smith, targeted and arcane emails possibly accessed.
Chinese intelligence agencies were amid a account of adopted hackers doubtable of actuality abaft those raids, which followed agnate breaches in France apropos computer arrangement advice about the Group of 20 affluent nations.
McClelland said he would not animadversion on Voelte's appraisal of area the attacks were advancing from, which came aloof weeks afterwards the attorney-general and Communications Minister Stephen Conroy met with arch admiral from 20 big ability companies, banks and manufacturers to altercate the ascent cyber threat.
"We don't animadversion on the antecedent of those (attacks). It is generally actually adamantine to identify. They are generally re-routed through added countries and added providers," McClelland said.
"We anticipate it is more good to accord with the threat, to abode the vulnerability. It may able-bodied be that there is a clandestine association involved, that the affair can be addressed after prejudicing their business relations, or their reputation."
Last month's affair was believed to absorb Anglo-Australian miner BHP Billiton, as able-bodied as battling Rio Tinto, Woodside and added ability firms, as able-bodied as the country's four above banks.
"People should not accept that it is any accurate aggregation (involved), because absolutely generally espionage will be conducted through a chump or a supplier," McClelland said.
Executives accustomed arcane briefings from aiguille intelligence bureau the Office of National Assessments, as able-bodied as the military's eavesdropping and signals intelligence spy agency, the Defence Signals Directorate (DSD).
The DSD collects adopted signals intelligence and guards adjoin adopted IT threats. It has abutting ties to the U.S. government's National Aegis Agency, or NSA, as able-bodied as the UK's Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ.
Australia's calm counter-espionage bureau the Australian Aegis Intelligence Organisation was additionally complex in the affair with top CEOs, as able-bodied as badge and across spy bureau the Australian Secret Intelligence Service.
Resource appeal from Asia continues to ability Australia's economy, with abstracts this ages assuming a 31 percent access on the almanac set aftermost October for mining basic investment, with 94 avant-garde projects collectively account A$173.5 billion.
Mining is additionally active the bounded sharemarket, with mining shares up 37.2 percent from a year ago and the country's Small Resources basis aerial by 25.9 percent. In March, ability allotment trading hit A$53.4 billion, up 37.2 percent on a year ago.


Eric Lamaze and the horse Hickstead in Rome...

The champion equestrian Eric Lamaze and his horse Hickstead won the equestrian jumping competition in Rome to continue to earn World ranking points 2011.
Congratulations and good continuation of season!

Photo 1.2, and 3: Eric Lamaze in Rome;
Photo 4: The horse Hickstead;
See story competition Rome ;
View Facebook page Lamaze ;
See site team Lamaze (Torrey Pines Stable) ;


#WeinerGate (Wienergate?), Genette Cordova and Huma Abedin

Secretary of State aide Huma Abedin may be the next "Good Wife" to launch a mad crackdown on her hubby: she may have some "competition" ... or not ...

With everything going on these days, like Arnold, Tiger Woods, the mad Frenchman and the hotel maid, the political fellow from western NY who sent out shirtless pix of himself... this isn't really surprising!

21-year old College coed Gennette Cordova (aka "Gennette Nicole" Cordova, a student at Whatcom Community College, Bellingham, Wash., where she is a reporter for the student newspaper, Horizon) got a XXX photo from Rep. Anthony Weiner's Twitter account! She says she never met him in person, but admitted to being "a fan". The Daily News points out ::: Some right-wing bloggers insist it must be proof that Weiner was having an affair with Cordova, who had once jokingly Tweeted: "I wonder what my boyfriend @RepWeiner is up to."

Cordova issued a lengthy statement [ReAd it HeRe], complaining about how she's been characterized on blogs and other web sites.

Rep. Weiner insists a "hacker" sent photos to "Genette Nicole" ---


Liz Benjamin: “The woman to whom the picture was sent has since deleted both her Facebook and Twitter accounts. Very odd.”

Yeah... why would she delete her accounts ??? That's a move of DESPERATION...

And apparently, there's been an effort underway to erase the name “Gennette Cordova” off the Internet — even having her byline removed from articles she wrote for her college newspaper!

Hover & CLICK on the image for the Daily NX Story!

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Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.


Be Like Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj! Steal to Blog!

Austin KleonTHIS article is adapted from HOW TO STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST (AND 9 OTHER THINGS NOBODY TOLD ME) by Austin Kleon

Austin Kleon tells us ::: You are, in fact, a mashup of what you choose to let into your life. You are the sum of your influences. The German writer Goethe said, “We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.”

So you're thinking "How can I apply this knowledge to MY blog?"

Everything he writes about artists can be applied to bloggers! For example ::: Your job is to collect ideas. The best way to collect ideas is to read. Read, read, read, read, read. Read the newspaper. Read the weather. Read the signs on the road. Read the faces of strangers. The more you read, the more you can choose to be influenced by.

Look at LADY GAGA. Influenced by whom? Madonna! And when confronted with that info (and what could have been the performer's "kiss of death" along with it), rather than deny it, Lady GaGa embraced it, so much so, that Madonna herself embraced Lady GaGa!

Kleon continues ::: Steal things and save them for later. Carry around a sketchpad. Write in your books. Tear things out of magazines and collage them in your scrapbook.

Steal like an artist. This technique reminds me of NICKI MINAJ! She stole the "Barbie" trademark without actually stealing it! THAT is an accomplishment of major order! Kleon's remarks apply ::: I love this phrase. There’s two ways to read it: Fake it ‘til you make it, as in, fake it until you’re successful, until everybody sees you the way you want, etc. Or, fake it til’ you make it, as in, pretend to be making something until you actually make something. I love that idea.

Particularly interesting is how Minaj hijacked the “Barbie” franchise without stepping on any copyright toes: This could be a great lesson for bloggers… Minaj-icize your blogs!Click on the image to see what Nicki Minaj looked like BEFORE her "transformation."
Make sure you save/print this link: observe the "before" and "after" photographs. Now, substitute YOU and YOUR BLOG for the "before" ---- how do you want things to be/look "after" ?????

It was Kleon who seeded the idea in my little brain for THE BLOGGING CLASS: " I get a lot of inspiration from people like Bob Ross and Martha Stewart. Bob Ross taught people how to paint. He gave his secrets away. Martha Stewart teaches you how to make your house and your life awesome. She gives her secrets away.

People love it when you give your secrets away,..." Best of all, Kleon has logged OVER A THOUSAND COMMENTS on his original post!

Blog Engage Blog Forum and Blogging Community, Free Blog Submissions and Blog Traffic, Blog Directory, Article Submissions, Blog Traffic

Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.


Lara Logan does 60 Minutes

A special Memorial Day Weekend edition of the CBS NEWS Program hit the airwaves at 7, with Lara Logan serving as anchorette!

You know her: sexually violated. You've searched for her swimsuit pictures!

What Lara Logan can learn from Elizabeth Smart

via wikipedia::: Lara Logan (born 29 March 1971) is a South African television and radio journalist, andwar correspondent. She is the chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News, and a correspondent for CBS's 60 Minutes. Logan was born in Durban, South Africa. She attended high school at Durban Girls' College, and the University of Natal, graduating in 1992 with a degree in commerce, after which she completed a diploma in French language, culture and history at the Universite de L'Alliance Francaise in Paris.[1] She married Jason Siemon, a professional basketball player, in 1998; the marriage ended in divorce. In 2008 she married Joseph Burkett, a U.S. government defense contractor from Texas, whom she met in Afghanistan.[2] They live in Washington, D.C., with their two-year-old son and Burkett's daughter from a previous marriage.[3]


Meanwhile, Back on the Blog...

A little changing, a bit of re-arranging on this beautiful NY Sunday afternoon. I've got two cookouts coming up: one this afternoon at 5 and another on Memorial Day. I'd like to call your attention to a test-ad running just under my blog header: a way you can help increase your blog's earning potential via PR7 links! It's well worth investigating for any of you looking to make serious full or part-time income from your blog. (And if you're earning some coin already, this will help your income multiply!)

I've been studying blog traffic and the amount of time visitors spend on the blog. Since I had a little extra time today, and since traffic last year was light during Memorial Day Weekend, I decided this would be a good time to take a sample.

1 - Nothing "unusual" going on - no recent posts generating special buzz or getting noticed by search-engines

2 - Nothing new of mine showing up on StumbleUpon or Blokube - no rush of links from twitter or facebook

(In other words: a "mellow" moment in digital time!)

3 - I selected the timeframe 10:48pm EDST Saturday through 10:48am EDST Sunday: figuring that the lighter traffic load would still give me a good snapshot of "normal" activity.

4 - I'm satisfied with the results! I know that I'm on the right blogging pathway: it'll just take a little more time and tinkering to tweak things exactly how I'd like them to be!

Incoming Traffic Sources:

32% - Google

24% - Google Images

22% - direct traffic to my blog's URL

7% - No data available

Traffic from StumbleUpon, Bing, Entrecard and a few blogs and other resources came in the 2% to 4% range for each.

I've got some work to do! The bounce rate is high: I notice visitors come in, scan a post for 30-40 seconds... and they're gone! That's where these numbers come in handy:

12% - visitors stayed on the blog for more than 1 minute

6% - stayed on the blog for more than 5 minutes

WARNING! A high bounce rate doesn't mean bad things! Going back to 2005, I've had people comment on particular posts - and it is quite obvious they read the post - and when I match the comment IP to the one in stats - "Time spent on site = 0 minutes." So these stat and site meters may not be recording as much data as they would have us believe?
I was able to go into the data and see which posts attracted these readers - there were 14 specific posts, each visited by more than one individual. I already knew netizens would find these particular posts interesting. The same ones show up on a daily basis when I check my stats. So, my mission is to figure out how to write more of these types of posts.

Why? I'm focusing on the blog's "sticky-ness" because I believe the longer a visitor stays on-site, the more apt they are to bookmark my blog in one way or another... the more likelythey are to click on a link to another post... the more likely they are to click on one of my adverts' links! So there is a method developing here...


Get Your Blog or Social Media Website Noticed by Giving Gifts!

I'm always interested in finding new ways to stimulate and promote my blog business! PEOPLE love free stuff! Laser engraved pens can be a very efficient tool for promoting your blog or social media site. They look snappy: Amsterdam Printing designs them in-house, and they are available in a variety of colours and styles.

If you're the kind of blogger who attends meet-ups, tweet-ups, "falsh mobs" and really any events specifically organized by and for bloggers and other social-media devotees, pens make a great hand-out gift. No one ever says "no" to a free pen, and they almost always hang on to the ones that are stylish (like the sample shown in the picture above)!

Think about that: a classy, professional gift that will keep on giving because whoever picks it up is likely to check out your blog or social media account if they are near (or next time they hop on) a computer!

Now it's just not pens: you may want to think about other giveaway items, such as t-shirts, coffee/cocoa mugs (it'll be autumn before you know it) and more. Imagine that eloquently designed coffee mug with your info emblazoned on it, sitting in an office on somebody's desk day after day, a constant reminder that YOU are on the internet! There are certainly companies out there offering similar services, but consider the fact that has quite a huge selection of superior quality promotional items, at low low prices.

Here's something else you haven't been thinking of: ENVELOPES! Personalize them the same way you would your pens, with your blog url and/or twitter id! There's a link on the website to create and order your very own custom printed envelopes. Next time you're sending a letter to a friend or relative, or mailing a bill, or sending an order in for something, once again people are able to see your info! (You can even add a logo or your gravatar!) The more eyes that see your twitter id or your blog URL, the better for you! And who knows: suppose somebody wearing one of your custom t-shirts has their picture taken by a magazine or newspaper! Presto! Instant free PR and advertising!

Blog Engage Blog Forum and Blogging Community, Free Blog Submissions and Blog Traffic, Blog Directory, Article Submissions, Blog Traffic

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This post brought to you by the fine folks at The opinions here are my own, representing my satisfaction with the tactics outlined above. Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.


Interview Lady Gaga and Stephen Fry...

The Financial Times of London published an exclusive interview with Lady Gaga by actor and writer Stephen Fry.
According to Lady Gaga, one must discover who he is and then support themselves internally to become a champion!
A unique story and photos.

Photo: Lady Gaga and Stephen Fry by The Financial Times;
See The Financial Times interview ;
See photo album by The Financial Times :


Official Memorial Day Weekend 2011 Post

I'm chillin' - enjoying the beautiful suddenly summer New York weather! Hope y'all have a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend, as I know many of you stopping by here won't be back 'til Tuesday!

Presenting a Memorial Day Poem (via Wanderer Thoughts Poetry

*Fallen Heroes*

Fallen heroes
wars never forgotten
savage lessons
learned through bravery
loved ones
cherish lasting moments
freedom ours
through given lives
forever honored
on Memorial Day

-Poem by Justin Germino aka "DragonBlogger"
Dedicate to the fallen Soldiers who died defending our nations on
Memorial Day

First Nicki Minaj treated fans with new music, now she gives her brand new video for the street single “Did It On ‘Em” off her Pink Friday debut album. The video which was directed by DJ Scoob Doo is a collection of never before seen footage during the I Am Music II tour that she co-headlined with Lil’ Wayne, Rick Ross & Travis Barker.

What happens to your body when you drink soft drinks? It's health-defying to say the least! H/T MJ Santos
I just signed a petition to President Barack Obama: We are petitioning President Barack Obama to issue a full pardon and to clear the name of Marcus Mosiah Garvey, a national hero of Jamaica.


Twitter name taken but not used (how to get it)

What name would you choose for yourself if you couldn't have the one you do now?

There's a chance that if, at this late stage of the game, you register a twitter account, the "hat" or "handle" or "i.d." you want has already been taken. If you were an early adopter of the Twitter platform, chances are you were rewarded with the username of your choice. (I was!)

Now, you need to get on twitter, but the name you want, need, crave is not available. You could always go back to Sentence One and come up with a unique name that you really like.

If your name is your name is your name, you could try the free service tweetclaims.

-or- treat yourself to some advice on this forum.

If you're seeking to acquire a Twitter name for your business and the current account holder has let the account become dormant, try this method.

No time to wait? In cases where a twitter account has been registered but has never been updated, Twitter can write the owner of the username about releasing it (results may vary).

You might just want to take the matter into your own hands. Most sites don't allow users to sell names to each other, but that doesn't mean that deals can't be cut. Anybody can transfer control of a social media profile (or a blog) by handing over the username and password.

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RIP Gil Scott-Heron

Musician Gil Scott-Heron (#Gil Scott-Heron), who helped lay the groundwork for rap by fusing minimalistic percussion, political expression and spoken-word poetry, is gone. He was 62, still young by 2011 standards.

Gil Scott-Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised -
3 min - Pieces of a Man (1971)
Also watch on: Dailymotion - - WAT TV

  1. Gil Scott-Heron

    Official website for I'm New Here by Gil Scott-Heron. - Cached - Similar
  2. Gil Scott-Heron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Gil Scott-Heron (April 1, 1949 – May 27, 2011) was an American poet, musician,
    and author known primarily for his late 1970s and early 1980s work as a ...


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