Andrew Cuomo For Vice President

On former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's inaugaration coronation day, I recall feeling embarassment when the media (particularly burned in my memory: a reporterette in a red dress, fawning over the new king) praised and generously covered the event as if it were the Second coming. I remember thinking to myself "something's not right about this." My suspicions were borne out in time, when the Governor resigned.

Fast Forward to July 3, 2011. Talk of Andrew Cuomo running as the Vice Presidential candidate along with Barack Obama. Really? At this moment in time, President Barack Obama seems to have a rough road ahead in 2012. (Or maybe not - a lot depends on the quality of his Republican opponent).

This is not the first instance of chatter about Andrew as VP material. Political observers were making predictions about this back in April.
Since Marriage Equality passed in New York, the name "Andrew Cuomo" is vocalized with much excitement. Democrats, let's not get carried away. Keep in mind, Cuomo is the guy who drove the bus on gay marriage in New York. The question is: how will this set with voters throughout the Southern states?

Before we go teaming Andrew up with Barack, we need to poll the South. While it may be true that national attitudes regarding gay marriage have changed significantly, and much of the opposition comes from people over age 60, there's a LARGE concentration of elderly folks down from the Carolinas through Florida. Georgia, especially Atlanta, would probably have no problem with Cuomo. Over in Miss. and Alabama may be a different story. Then there's Texas (and New Mexico). The land of "real men" or "he men" - a land where gay pride perhaps has a softer voice.

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