Lazy Sunday July 3

Here it is after12 noon already and I haven't cracked a newspaper open yet! We've been sitting around Saki's watching Wimbledon on TV. Saki also has an "Asian" package as part of her satellite subscription and we saw some coverage of Yingluck Shinawatra, who is set to be Thailand's first female prime minister.

Flipping through the channels, the Casey Anthony trial was also in session again this morning, but I must confess i haven't really been following it - most people here in New York and Quebec couln't care less about the Anthony case... but go to any state below new Jersey and it's everything people are talking about!

I was sketching the other day and during this morning's netsurf bumped into a "Sketchy Sunday" artist's meme so I thought I'd submit a sketch/collage combo. But under the meme rules, it does not qualify, so I'll just post it for your enjoyment (or critical acclaim). Hover and click on the image for a larger version. I don't have a title for it. Saki named the jpg "turtleclock". The inspiration was a dream.

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