Casey Anthony vs. Nafissatou Diallo
UPDATE! TV screenshot of Diallo July 25 2011
It's not unusual... The US media (since Anthony Weiner shriveled) has been gung-ho on Casey Anthony (and a minor nod to Andrew Cuomo) .. while World Media has been riveted on the DSK/Diallo case.
Which do YOU think is more interesting? Please leave a comment if you have time!
Casey Anthony cleared of murdering young daughter
Forbes - -
Casey Anthony's eyes welled with tears and her lips trembled as the verdict was read once, twice and then a third time: "Not guilty" of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. Outside the courthouse, many in the crowd of 500 reacted with anger, ...
At Caylee's shrine, balloons and photo ops MiamiHerald.comNancy Grace says 'the devil is dancing' at Casey Anthony verdict
Los Angeles Times -
Grace, a trained lawyer who'd derisively dubbed the defendant, Casey Anthony, "tot mom," said Caylee's "death has gone unavenged" and that "tot mom's lies seem to have worked." Grace, via her prime-time talk show, has been covering the case extensively ...
I must admit I haven't really followed Casey Anthony - this afternoon I heard talk radio hosts comparing Anthony to O.J. Simpson. I don't have an opinion on the case. Now if you ask me about DSK/Diallo, it's a bit more intriguing because of the international implications, and because the day the story broke I was reading about it in the newspapers.

Two days after the parole of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the revelations about the personality of Nafissatou Diallo, the charge of DSK, linked in the media. As soon as they had condemned DSK, several American newspapers to take now lashing out at the maid of 32 years, of which U.S. law prohibits revealing the identity. However, the investigation for its part, the former director of the IMF still occupied the house Sunday in southern Manhattan in which he was confined for six weeks until a New York judge set him free movement in the U.S. Friday.
In France, the conspiracy theory resurfaces, especially with a member-strauss khanien now that evokes the mysterious "connections" between Sofitel and "pharmacies" in Paris. And politically, the question of postponement of the Socialist Party primary for the presidency is open, while a Harris Interactive survey exclusive to "Le Parisien" - "Today in France" shows that the French are divided on a DSK return to the front of the French political scene.
The detainee joined Nafissatou that the phone was ... her husband .
Presented first as an acquaintance, then as her boyfriend, with whom the detainee Nafissatou Diallo had a telephone conversation, following accusations of rape against DSK, was actually her husband. The maid Guinea 32 years would have met the Gambia in the Bronx, confirms the "Parisien" a source close to the mosque went Nafissatou.Selon infomations of the "Journal du Dimanche," she would be married religiously ago year with the dealer. Involved in drug trafficking, it was he who had taken advantage of the naivety of Nafissatou, provide some members of the Guinean community. So far, we knew she had been married once in Guinea, a country she had left at the death of her first husband.
In this case, the situation has changed since the attorney Cyrus Vance revealed the lies of the maid about his past but also what happened after IE alleged assault. She lied to get asylum in the United States in 2004, he wrote Thursday in a letter to defense lawyers. She also lied about what happened after the alleged assault later in 2806 at the Sofitel New York. Nafissatou Diallo had said she had waited in the hallway after leaving the DSK and had immediately reported the alleged facts. She has since admitted that "she had cleaned another room and was returned later in 2806 and started cleaning it before she reported the incident to his supervisor," writes Mr. Vance. She also made a false declaration of a second dependent child to defraud the tax authorities, according to the prosecutor.
DSK's lawyers deny any relationship priced ( I assume they mean "paid" for?)
Quoting an unidentified sources close to the defense of DSK, the tabloid New York Post says Diallo Nafissatou prostitute regularly and Dominique Strauss-Kahn refused to pay after sex. She was "well aware of his VIP status" and were much benefit, according to the tabloid, which had no words strong enough to attack early in the DSK case. An assertion strongly denied by U.S. lawyers to Strauss-Kahn. "There was no dispute between the parties because it was not about money," they said in a statement.
Prosecutors are planning to drop the sexual assault charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn within the next two weeks. The New York Post quotes a "top investigator" who said a scheduled court date on July 18 would be the latest the case would be dropped. The New York Times has published Housekeeper Nafissatou Diallo's Graphic Account of "the Attack". If you are able, you may read them HERE.
Nafissatou Diallo: THE BACK STORY w/DSK case details

Tags: DSK, Nafissatou Diallo, Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.
In France, the conspiracy theory resurfaces, especially with a member-strauss khanien now that evokes the mysterious "connections" between Sofitel and "pharmacies" in Paris. And politically, the question of postponement of the Socialist Party primary for the presidency is open, while a Harris Interactive survey exclusive to "Le Parisien" - "Today in France" shows that the French are divided on a DSK return to the front of the French political scene.
The detainee joined Nafissatou that the phone was ... her husband .
Presented first as an acquaintance, then as her boyfriend, with whom the detainee Nafissatou Diallo had a telephone conversation, following accusations of rape against DSK, was actually her husband. The maid Guinea 32 years would have met the Gambia in the Bronx, confirms the "Parisien" a source close to the mosque went Nafissatou.Selon infomations of the "Journal du Dimanche," she would be married religiously ago year with the dealer. Involved in drug trafficking, it was he who had taken advantage of the naivety of Nafissatou, provide some members of the Guinean community. So far, we knew she had been married once in Guinea, a country she had left at the death of her first husband.
DSK's lawyers deny any relationship priced ( I assume they mean "paid" for?)
Quoting an unidentified sources close to the defense of DSK, the tabloid New York Post says Diallo Nafissatou prostitute regularly and Dominique Strauss-Kahn refused to pay after sex. She was "well aware of his VIP status" and were much benefit, according to the tabloid, which had no words strong enough to attack early in the DSK case. An assertion strongly denied by U.S. lawyers to Strauss-Kahn. "There was no dispute between the parties because it was not about money," they said in a statement.
Prosecutors are planning to drop the sexual assault charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn within the next two weeks. The New York Post quotes a "top investigator" who said a scheduled court date on July 18 would be the latest the case would be dropped. The New York Times has published Housekeeper Nafissatou Diallo's Graphic Account of "the Attack". If you are able, you may read them HERE.
Nafissatou Diallo: THE BACK STORY w/DSK case details
Tags: DSK, Nafissatou Diallo, Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Permission to reprint this blog post in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided that the author (or authors) and Dave Lucas are properly cited. Permission to reprint any comments below is granted only for those comments written by Dave Lucas and staff.