The Last Harry Potter Picture

This afternoon we ventured out to Colonie Center to catch the 2pm showing of the last Harry Potter movie. I love CC's theater! The seating arrangement is excellent. the digital screen is smashing. (The only horrible part was a bunch of previews OVERLY LOUD that hurt everyone's ears and likely made them NOT want to see any of the preview pix!)

As folks filed into the theater, a young husband and wife came in. They met for the first time at the first HP movie, chanced to meet again at one of the local midnight book release events (remember those?) and they married last year. They had tears in their eyes when I talked with them about what it means to be here for the last HP installment.

For parents and kids of all ages, those book releases and the series of movies no doubt made indelible memories along the clock of life. Thank you JK Rowling, wherever you are, and thanks to the creators and cast of the HP movies.

I never read a single HP book (didn't have time) but the very first HP movie, the Goblet of Fire and Prisoner of Azkeban are my three favourites. Should I ever see one of those three in book form, perhaps at a garage sale, I'll pick it up.

The last Harry Potter: 'Almost like watching your childhood come to end'...

Grief counseling for Muggles mourning final chapter...

Sets Midnight Box Office Record...

Watson, Radcliffe, and More at the U.S. Premiere of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2'
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