NetActive 11 July 2011

Pakistan: Embracing The Google+ Circles

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The past couple of weeks might be forever remembered as a game changer in the realm of social media in Pakistan. It was when Google rolled out its all encompassing and challenging social behemoth of a network called Google Plus. Pakistan is crazy about social networking, so it is of little wonder that the launch of Google+ garnered so much reaction.

Google+ and the Technology Adoption Lifecycle

In 1957, Joe Bohlen, George Beal and Everett Rogers published The Diffusion Process for the Agriculture Extension Service of Iowa State College. It focused on which farmers were buying hybrid corn. The work was later generalized into Diffusion of Innovations by Everett Rogers. Typically, adopters of innovations are organized into five groups, the innovators, the early adopters, the early majority, the late majority and the laggards. It seems to be a useful way of looking at even the innovations in online social networks of today, somewhat.

Jovanka Gulicoska informed [mk] on her blog about the upcoming All-Women Hacker Night, scheduled for Wednesday, July 13, in the KIKA Hacklab in Skopje (FB event). According to the official announcement [mk], “all girls interested in Free and Open Source Software, GNU/Linux, but also in technology, computers, hacking (not cracking), networks, servers, electronics, free culture and free society, gadgets, robots, etc. are welcome.”

Filip Stojanovski

Huffington Post (blog)
Despite the evidence in favor of blogging, with the rise of Twitter and Facebook, many brands are reluctant to blog. While blogs can be a lot of work, they provide a foundation for information on the web and an owned platform for your social business. ..

ZDNet (blog)
He was most recently Executive Editor of News and Blogs at ZDNet. Prior to that he was executive news editor at eWeek and news editor at Baseline. He also served as the East Coast news editor and finance editor at CNET ...

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