Beng-Gee will give your PC a BUG! (Or not...)
:::WARNING::: Check any automated links you have on your blog! Here's a blog that surfers are afraid to visit because a virus has nested on it: under the heading "MY BLOGGER BUDDIES" (depedning on your browser, you may be able to click on the images to see larger versions).
::: MESSAGE TO BENG-GEE ::: edit that list down to the five or ten bloggers (like me) whom you KNOW you can TRUST!
Imagine my surprise when I set out to go entrecard dropping today and THIS was staring back at me from my monitor:According to Google, going to drop an EC on beng-gee could result in "malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent" - so I did a little digging and found the culprit "Gamer's Den" located in a sidebar link on
Tags: entrecard virus, entercard virus