20-Something Girls: win USD $25!

Are you in your 20's? How does your own life compare and contrast with the lives of these two women? If you want to comment, there is a link below. Much better if you would like to post your own article: I would suggest that you cut and past the article and in between the lines and paragraphs ADD YOUR OWN experiences, preferably in a different colour or type style. Leave the link to your blog entry in the comments area below.
Winner gets USD$25!


To enter, follow directions as outlined in the website blog posting. All entries must be received by July 4th, 2011. For purposes of these Official Rules, “receipt” of Entry occurs when Sponsor’s servers record the Entry information resulting from contestants’ entry being received in the inbox and/or Comments area. Any automated computer receipt (such as one confirming delivery of email) does not constitute proof of actual receipt by Sponsor for purposes of these Official Rules.

Entry must be the original work of the contestant, may not have been previously published, may not have won previous awards, must not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person and must not violate any law.

Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify any Entry for any reason, in its sole and absolute discretion.

Odds of winning depend upon number of entries received.

JUDGING: In event of a tie, Winner will be determined based on the judges’ discretion.

Judges’ decisions are final and binding.

WINNER NOTIFICATION: Winner(s) will be determined after the Contest’s end date and will be notified by email. Winner(s) will be required to provide physical mailing address (or PAY PAL online account information) which will be used to fulfill the prize. At the discretion of the Sponsor, Winner may be disqualified for any of the following reasons: if charged with or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, is not eligible based on the eligibility requirements set forth above, or if delinquent on a government ordered payment, such as, but not limited to: child support, spousal support, alimony, tax payments, etc. In the event it is determined that the Winner has not complied with these Official Rules, has failed to execute and return any required documents within the specified time period, has made false statements or a prize notification is returned as undeliverable, then the Winner will be disqualified and at Sponsor’s sole discretion, the Entry with the next highest score may then be declared the alternate Winner.

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