NetActive 22 June 2011

Have a look at what's happening Around The Blogosphere and On the Net tonight!

Here's the full text of US President Barack Obama's speech on withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

Lady Gaga Saga of Sales Spiral Down Continues...

Sorkin quits FACEBOOK...

Now, I don't think this is a very wise move at all :::
A note about our commenting system Los Angeles Times- Jun 22, 2011-Along with most of our sibling blogs here at The Times, we've made the switch to Facebook's commenting system.

Global Voices Co-Founder to Head MIT's Center for Civic Media

Read this post.
Global Voices co-founder and and long time fellow at Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Ethan Zuckerman, has been named director of MIT's Civic Media Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Congratulations Ethan!

Despite hoaxes, anonymity remains important After an American admitted inventing the "Gay Girl in Damascus" character, the validity of blogs has been questioned.

If you’re a word geek then this site is for Continues the App First, Web Second Trend:

“ is a way to explore the English language.
It is a semantic reference. A dictionary. A thesaurus.
A reference tool. Maybe more. Maybe less.”

Love the nice, simple UI. Notable here is that every word gets its own short URL. Also noteworthy is that this site began as an app brand first, much like Lose It and, soon, News360.

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