A time to be silent, and a time to speak. Ecclesiastes 3:7

This message ran across my early morning twitterfeed:

My post got the most amount of traffic that I've seen
in a while: << check it out :-)
So I did check it out. Here's my response
Message to Sarah prout: you'd better duck - your "law of karma" will be coming for you soon!
I get it, but these aren't very nice ideas you are passing along in your blog, inspiring unstable people to do mean things to somebody else. I wouldn't be proud of this post, let alone beat the drum for it like you are on twitter.
Your post would have been much better (of course it wouldn't have pulled in all those "hits" you covet) had you stopped it here:
all drama is bullshit. It will never serve you, and is merely an illusion to keep you separated from your natural alignment with the Universe.
You know what? Your article isn't really "funny" at all. You should have kept it to yourself. Try this:
by MonicaTang

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