How To Make A Sticky Post

In blogging, "sticky post" refers to a post that remains "above the fold" or at the top of the author's page indefinitely.

On Wordpress? No problemo!
In the Post editor find the "Publish" section.
Next to "Visibility" click "Edit" and then check the "Stick this post to the front page" option there.
Click save and you're done.
If you are using the old or "classic" blog*spot template, and you are comfortable poking around in the html code, you should be able to find the spot beneath your header where you could manually insert a post. A little tedious, but the post will remain "forever sticky" without having to fool with the date.

The easiest way to make the sticky post is like you would any other. Write, edit, embellish and post. THEN you can go back in to the post html and copy/save into notepad. You will have to tinker with the fonts if you want a headline for your post. If you'd rather not do that, create an original graphic or overlay text on to an image that will serve as a "title". There may be a bit of trial and error involved (which is why you should always do an export/save so you have a back-up copy of your original template that you can re-install if anything goes wrong) but eventually you'll get it right. Results may vary depending on the original template that you are using: that's why I'm not telling you specifically where to insert your html. Don't be afraid to experiment!

The 2nd easiest way to make a post sticky is to assign it a future date. It will stay at the top of your blog until that day comes and goes. This is also the simplest method!

Below is a method for the NEWer blogger "Layout" based blogs. I found these instructions via Google. I am reposting the article here because the original page is being hijacked (as soon as it loads halfway it's gone and you'd be taken to a spam website). Click on the URLS below at your own risk!

In blogger post rule, a new post will be shown on the top, while the older one place below/after it or become archive (depending on your post setting), but with this very simple trick you can remain your post sticky at the top.

Actually this trick is very simple, The key is add the "Add a Gadget" widget above Blog Post in Page Element
By default this widget isn't there, we must doing a little trick first to get that widget. If you do not have Add a Gadget Widget yet, please follow this link

The rest step is just to add our Sticky Post (or you can put picture, message, HTML/JavaScript ) by Add a Gadget Widget above the blog post.

If you want to add a "post form" exactly like your post, then you can add a "Text" gadget.
Please not to write your post title in Title Column because it will show up as a "Gadget Title" not as a Post Title, you better write it in Content. and set the display as a Post Title.

The Problem is: to do this trick, we must use HTML code to make up the text... But don't worry, if you are not capable with HTML Codes, there are simple and fast way to make your sticky post without learn it. Use your "New Post" to make a sample of your sticky post, set the display as close as your real post, use the Preview to check your sticky post display then copy-paste into your content collumn text add gadget.

Open your Blogger Dashboard >> New Post. Write your sticky post.

Use Preview to check your final displal, Block your Sticky Post text.

Open your Dashboard in a new Tab >> Layout >> Page Element >> Add a Gadget (above your blogpost) >> Click Text >> Paste your Sticky Post into content column. and Save it.
And this is the final example...

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