Here's Why I Dislike Third Party COMMENTS apps

Does this happen to you too? You read a great blog post, compose a great comment, and you can't leave it.

#1 Always compose your comment in notepad ::: that way if the blog commenting system rejects it or freezes, you still have your comment. Maybe you could use it as the basis for a blog post on your own blog (I do this all the time!)

If you really think you need a 3rd party comments app, I would say of the various services out there, INTENSE DEBATE has been reliable 99.9% of the time. Facebook comments are very unsteady, apparently targeted toward hardcore facebookers who hang on the social network all day 24/7. Disqus really sucks, and the app like the one the blog below uses work maybe half the time, if at all. And I wonder if the blogger knows about this?
#2 Let the blog author know - someway, somehow... maybe just by linking back to the article you tried to leave a comment on... Here's what happened a few minutes ago when I tried to leave a comment on POWERLINE blog via facebook log-in: a bit fat FREEZE!


  1. Dave Lucas: Dave to Disqus: HELP!

    Feb 21, 2009 ... I'm sending out an SOS to the folks at Disqus (and others)
    looking for help ... Can you tweak my template? ... - Cached
  2. Dave Lucas: Another Blogger's "Disqus Dilemma" (Guest Post!)

    Apr 20, 2009 ... No Disqus! Just blogger. I was bummed and assumed my lack
    of tech skills was the problem. After a little googling, I came across Dave's blog ... - Cached - Similar
  3. Dave Lucas: Nananana, Nananana, DISQUS, Good-bye!

    Mar 2, 2009 ... News and analysis of pop culture, religion, politics and current events. - Cached

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