Gadget Influence On Children

Your child often spends time playing Nintendo Wii or X-Box? Be careful not to get distracted attention of the child to his parents because children are too preoccupied with his gadgets.

According to a recent survey conducted by energy company n power, 34% of parents admitted they had to compete with all kinds of games consoles and social networking sites to get their attention to their children. The survey was followed by 1,000 parents and 1,000 children in the UK.
Npower conduct this survey as part of the way they support the campaign 'No Power Hour' in the UK. The campaign encourages every family to conserve energy by spending more time in open areas, not in the house.
From the survey also revealed, 46% of parents who responded felt their communication with children is influenced by technology. Because of technology and gadgets, the parents felt they were hard to get attention from the child.

As quoted from Orange, 28% of parents are concerned because now they no longer much involved in the lives of children. They blame the gadget that is deemed to have made ​​the child has his own world.

Still according to the n power survey, 51% of children known to spend more than five hours a day staring at the screen either computer, television or mobile phone. There are 27% of children who prefer to communicate in digital rather than face to face. More concerned him, 1 in 4 children would rather play X-Box rather than spending time with family.

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